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Czech it Out!

Czech it Out!

Czech it out!

This weekend my friends and I visited possibly of of the most beautiful places I have even been. With the city being a museum in and of itself we were able to roam around without much of a plan simply admiring all the views this city has to offer.

We stayed at a really nice hostel a little bit outside of downtown and were able to take the tram very easily to all of the destinations inside the city. You don’t need a ton of time to see Prague. I recommend exactly what we did which was a three night trip. We got there on a Friday and left Monday afternoon. Prague is the perfect city for the combination of a beautiful historic place but also has some great nightlife. Every student visiting here seemed to be on the pub crawl we went on. We were able to meet young people from all over Europe and had quite an awesome experience.

The city at times is so pretty you feel like you are walking through a storybook world, especially when we visited the Prague castle, a camera simply cannot capture what we saw. On top of this the weather was perfect, and we just wanted to spend every minute outside. We took a comprehensive 3 hour walking tour of the old part of the city and learned a lot. The food was also really great, we enjoyed authentic mexican food for the first time in awhile and also some traditional czech cuisine, great sausage! Don’t let me forget Starbucks, they are everywhere in Prague.

With the semester coming to an end I am so happy I had the chance to visit this city. It was not one of the places I had planned on going to but I am so glad that I did. Sometimes it is nice to visit the places that are not your typical Paris, London, Barcelona.. etc. To anyone considering going to Prague while they are abroad I say it is a must!


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