The GoGlobal Blog


A Day at Pompeii

A Day at Pompeii

During this time around spring break, it is common for family members of students to come for a visit.  Since I am going on the school’s study trip to Tunisia for spring break, my parents came to visit me during this past week.  It’s an odd feeling having someone so familiar appear in the location …

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The Magic of Tunisia

The Magic of Tunisia

Not many college students in the States can say that  they spent their spring break in Tunisia, Africa. I spent the past 10 days on a life changing experience that I will never forget. When signing up for this trip I didn’t really even know what to expect, I just thought to myself that this …

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Hitting the Streets Aussie Style

Hitting the Streets Aussie Style

Whenever I travel somewhere new, one of my favorite things to do is to take public transportation into the city, hit the streets and explore. I try to do this before I come up with any major conclusions about the place itself. I listen, smell, taste, see and breathe in everything the place has to …

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Bonjour- From Across the Pond!

Bonjour- From Across the Pond!

Bonjour! Wow! This has been the most incredible week thus far! I will focus on my weekend in Paris, as that has been my favorite part of this week! I apologize for how long this post will be, as I can’t help but describe every detail of my trip… the main point of this post …

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C’est la vie

C’est la vie

We followed our day-trip to Monaco with a visit to the cities of Cannes and Antibes. Cannes is the city where the very well-off are willing to pay a slightly exorbitant amount of money to do nothing. Besides the phenomenal beachfront littered with every luxury brand imaginable, along with a “caviar house,” there is not …

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Backpacking through el Sur de Chile

Backpacking through el Sur de Chile

Wow, so here I am- back to home sweet home Santiago after 3 weeks backpacking throughout the south of Chile! I could literally probably write a novel about all of our experiences in the past few weeks, but to sum it up, we were so so so lucky. We had amazing weather almost the whole …

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Aussies for the Win!

Aussies for the Win!

I have officially been in Australia for almost two weeks. I have painfully neglected my blog in the meantime but I can say this I have been insanely busy and productive. As I said in my last post that I was practically homeless upon arriving in Melbourne as I chose to find my own housing, …

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