The GoGlobal Blog


Paris, Versailles

Paris, Versailles

This past weekend my friends and I hopped on a plane to the city of love <3  Getting to Paris was definitely an adventure in itself. It began when the night before we were supposed to leave, we received an email from Ryanair (the most elite airline in Europe) that our flight had been cancelled. Why? …

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Orientation Shenanigans

Orientation Shenanigans

Buongiorno regazzi!  Since being here in Rome, Loyola’s JFRC (JFoRCe, as it’s affectionately called here by the students) has taken great care of us.  As part of our orientation package for the first week and a half, we explored the magnificence that is the Colosseum and walked through Imperial Fora, all of which was done …

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The Sad Reality Of the English Speaking Privilege

The Sad Reality Of the English Speaking Privilege

Globalization is inevitable. With the ability to instantly connect with someone on the other side of the world, we are closer than ever. Yet is globalization simply a synonym for “Americanization”? With McDonald’s (or “McDo” as the French call it) cropping up everywhere while Timber blasting in the clubs, the United States of America seems …

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Primer Post!

Primer Post!

Hola! My name is Tom and this is my first blog post from Santiago, Chile. If you want to know a little bit about myself, go ahead and read my short bio. I’ll try and recap my last two weeks here, be prepared though because there’s a lot of stuff. First flew in to Santiago …

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Naples, Amalfi Coast, Pompeii

Naples, Amalfi Coast, Pompeii

One thing I learned over this weekend was that Loyola will NOT let you starve. All of that walking too and from the Zone was pretty much all for naught. Literally, I don’t think there was one point during our entire stay this weekend that I was hungry. So yes, Loyola does Wine and Dine …

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First Impressions…

First Impressions…

First impressions are the most important, or so they say, and Rabat definitely makes a great one. After taking a hard nap on the plane from Paris to Rabat, accompanied by over 15 other students from my program, we landed in the Rabat-Sale airport. From there, we were greeted by our program directors and we …

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The Beginning of a Grand Adventure

The Beginning of a Grand Adventure

I arrived Santiago just over two weeks ago, and let me tell you, I love it! I’ve spent the last two weeks getting used to the different culture and getting to know this beautiful city. I live with a wonderful family that has eight children, but only two live at home. Of the other six, …

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36 hours to go…

36 hours to go…

Marhaba! My name is Elizabeth, and I will be studying abroad in Rabat, Morocco for the spring. I’m so excited to be sharing my experiences on this blog, and I hope you’ll continue to check in with me while I learn about Human Rights and Multiculturalism. First, a little about me. I’m a junior from …

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The Eternal City

The Eternal City

Ciao tutti! Well, it has been one hectic first week here in the Eternal City. But a good hectic. After landing last week Wednesday and getting through initial registration on campus, we were free to jump right into making Rome our home away from home. Despite the fact that most people go out and make …

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