The GoGlobal Blog


The Beginning of a Grand Adventure

The Beginning of a Grand Adventure

I arrived Santiago just over two weeks ago, and let me tell you, I love it! I’ve spent the last two weeks getting used to the different culture and getting to know this beautiful city. I live with a wonderful family that has eight children, but only two live at home. Of the other six, one works in the south as a doctor, three of them are married, one is a nun, and one is a Jesuit. It’s quite the family! Every Sunday for lunch, family members come over. It’s really interesting because in the United States I have a small family. Here, although they don’t all live at home, I have a huge family. If a family member isn’t at Sunday lunch, I am always updated on how they are doing. I already feel like I am in their family!

Every day Monday through Friday, I have had a Spanish immersion course at Alberto Hurtado. It is the middle of summer right now so there aren’t too many people around campus. It usually takes me 30-40 minutes to get to the University. I live about three blocks around from the Metro, from there I take two different trains to get there.

I have really enjoyed seeing and exploring the many neighborhoods of Santiago so far. I am really excited to explore and travel more!

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