The GoGlobal Blog


36 hours to go…

36 hours to go…

Marhaba! My name is Elizabeth, and I will be studying abroad in Rabat, Morocco for the spring. I’m so excited to be sharing my experiences on this blog, and I hope you’ll continue to check in with me while I learn about Human Rights and Multiculturalism.

First, a little about me. I’m a junior from Eureka, MO studying international studies and Arabic here at Loyola. I absolutely love learning, traveling, laughing, eating, and meeting new people–and I plan to do all of these things while in Africa!

I also want this blog to be a learning experience for you as well! So I’ll try to include some Arabic phrases that may be useful to you in the future. I started off this post with marhaba which is a standard greeting in Arabic. Salaam means peace, and is used in many different ways in everyday conversations.

Well, I have to go pack now–only 36 hours to go!


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