The GoGlobal Blog


Old Habits Die Hard

Old Habits Die Hard

“Vorrei un caffe per favore” (meaning I’d like one coffee please) has become a cherished phrase in the land of cappuccinos and afternoon macchiatos. Milk is considered taboo to drink after noon, so ordering a cappuccino at 3pm not only designates your nationality but your inability to adjust to the Italian mindset, which also has …

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Breaking Up (with the U.S.) is Hard to Do

Breaking Up (with the U.S.) is Hard to Do

Recently, I broke up with the United States. After a 20 (almost 21!) year long, committed relationship with only one brief break (to test my feelings for China) it was time to move on. Comfortable relationships are fun, don’t get me wrong. The United States understands me on a level that I’m not sure my …

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Adventure is out there!

Adventure is out there!

Hola! My name is April Skillings, and I am a sophomore at Loyola.  I am a finance major and Spanish language and literature minor, and a month ago as of yesterday I left O’hare Airport for Costa Rica,  This is my first time out of the country for more than a week, and the first …

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La Vie En France

La Vie En France

I really love France. It’s at first glance straight out of a Disney film. Take your pick: The Hunchback of Notre Dame, Beauty and the Beast, the streets, buildings, and people of France are practically unchangeable and stand the test of centuries. It’s not at all shocking to see people, places, and things directly out …

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Ah, the sweet nectar of failure

Ah, the sweet nectar of failure

The fact of the matter is that no one likes to fail. But studying in a foreign country where I barely speak the language means I fail at everyday things. And deep down, that hurts. As a writer, I take pride in my language. I know it inside and out, reveling in my ability to mold it …

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Voyage A Grand Vitesse

Voyage A Grand Vitesse

These past few days have gone by so fast! Trying to take it all in at the same time is exhausting–combine that with classes, homework, excursions, and jet lag and you’ve got one tired puppy… but–of course–it’s an exhaustion I wouldn’t give up in a million years. Being here in the south of France is …

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