The GoGlobal Blog


La Vie En France

La Vie En France

I really love France. It’s at first glance straight out of a Disney film. Take your pick: The Hunchback of Notre Dame, Beauty and the Beast, the streets, buildings, and people of France are practically unchangeable and stand the test of centuries. It’s not at all shocking to see people, places, and things directly out of a Jules Verne novel, a Victor Hugo poem, an Edith Piaf song, or a Charlie Chaplin film. The only change that you will definitely notice at first is the addition of certain more modern advancements: neon flashing signs, expensive cars, iPhones as far as the eye can see.


Social life and young culture seems to be pretty healthy here in Nantes. Still, it is an affluent environment with very good security and opportunities for children to attend church services, community get-togethers, picnics, and the perfect weather to play, go to the beach, be active outdoors and safe every day of the year.


This city is incredible. I will report more on my beautiful new hometown soon. I hope you will consider joining me on my blogging adventure as I explore a foreign city with only my imagination and curiosity.





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