The GoGlobal Blog


New Country, New Culture, New Adventure!

New Country, New Culture, New Adventure!


I boarded the plane with much anticipation to meet my host family, whom had contacted me just days before my arrival date of August 15, 2014. I was heading to a country that I’ve only seen in pictures and videos (I did a lot of research ahead of time, which I recommend!), a country in which I knew no one, a country which spoke its own language and a place I didn’t call home.

On the day of my flight, I had a layover in Dallas, TX, where I have never been before. During my 3 hours layover I couldn’t help but think about all the what ifs; what if my Spanish isn’t sufficient, what if my family doesn’t like me, what if I get lost, what if…. Within the next hour I met a handful of girls from my program, whom I am happy to call friends today.

My host mom and little brother were waiting for me right outside of the airport with a sign with my name on it, just like in the movies! I loved this! I took it all in as we drove to the house. The host family was making small talk with me and when I got home I met my sisters and then got a tour of the house and ate my first Costa Rican meal.

I live in a providence of Costa Rica called Heredia. This is where my school, Universidad Nacional de Costa Rica (UNA), is located. To be more exact, I live in a little city-town called San Rafael and I take a bus that costs 230 Colones (about 45 cents) to and from school everyday. The buses remind me of school buses back home.

During the first two weeks we did so much! I started class and felt very welcome by the overwhelmingly friendly and supportive professors. I will post more about the classrooms and etiquette later. On our first weekend in Costa Rica, we went on two field trips; one to the capital, San Jose and another to Volcano Poas and La Paz cataratas (Peace waterfalls).

The nature in Costa Rica is abundant and it’s beautiful. Of course both Friday at the volcano and Saturday at the waterfalls included a lot of hiking and a lot of rain! We are in Costa Rica’s “winter” these next few months and although they don’t see snow here, they have tremendous rainstorms! It’s very important to leave the house with an umbrella, or else you will come home drenched, and I learned that the hard way.

That is all for this first blog, but check back often to learn more about hermosa Costa Rica!

Pura Vida!


A look down the road nearby the university I attend.
A look down the road nearby the university I attend.
San Jose, Costa Rica
San Jose, Costa Rica
The view on our way to Volcan Poas.
The view on our way to Volcan Poas.
This is Volcan Poas. It was a little misty and foggy, but it was still beautiful.
This is Volcan Poas. It was a little misty and foggy, but it was still beautiful.
La Paz
This is one of the waterfalls we hiked to that day. It was well worth the climb!
We decided to climb a rock for this photo! Another waterfall makes way in the background.
The Rock Bottom
This is the last waterfall we saw that day. It was captivating.


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