The GoGlobal Blog




I have never felt more like the girl I was meant to be until I began this trip. There are moments where I ache for my family or friends from home, but I continue to find who I am by pushing myself out of my comfort zone. I have to keep reminding myself that is …

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Bienvinidos!!! (Welcome!)

Bienvinidos!!! (Welcome!)

Hola mis amigos! After my crazy first week here in Spain, I thought it was about time to update you all on everything that has gone down so far! We arrived in Madrid a day late (long story short we had an emergency landing in Bordeaux, France and had to stay overnight in a hotel until …

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My Own Roman Holiday

My Own Roman Holiday

Whenever I would tell my friends or family that I was going to Rome they would all respond the same way, “Oh my goodness you have to see Roman Holiday with Audrey Hepburn!” Well, I finally did and I can say I loved it. I think my favorite part was when Joe Bradley finds the …

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Life in the Eternal City

Life in the Eternal City

Well, we made it. Over 200 students from Loyola and across the country now reside at the John Felice Rome Center and call the Eternal City our home. (#blessed) Living in a foreign country is something I’d only dreamed of, and frankly, it still feels like a bit of a dream. Each morning I wake …

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My Roman Bucket List

My Roman Bucket List

Buongiorno! My name is Amanda and I will be writing about my adventures on this blog while living in the beautiful and eternal city of Rome! I had never been to Italy before, but I have to say, I am entranced. The people, food, architecture and overall atmosphere are unlike anything I have ever experienced! …

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The first weekend

The first weekend

If you are a dreamer like me, you’ll know that you spend too much time imagining the life you have preserved for so long. When you finally begin to see it in front of you rather in your head you develop a strange feeling. From when I was about six years old I always tried …

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Fourth Time’s the Charm

Fourth Time’s the Charm

Ciao tutti! My name is Aleksandra Wysocki, but please, know me as my Polish nickname, Ola. It’s what I’ve been called my entire life and it was one of the reasons I chose to study Italian vs. Spanish (because Hola, me llamo Ola! seemed a bit annoying to me…. Okay, that’s not the reason I chose to study …

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15 Things I’ve Learned from Sweden

15 Things I’ve Learned from Sweden

15 Things I’ve learned from living in Uppsala, Sweden since August 15th, 2015: 1. Kayaking in the Baltic Sea with Sweden’s former Minister of the Environment (who is also your professor for three of your classes) is a pretty stellar experience. 2. Cars WILL stop for pedestrians no matter where or when. This is a …

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