The GoGlobal Blog


O Wonder!

O Wonder!

“O wonder! How many goodly creatures are there here! How beauteous mankind is! O brave new world, that has such people in’t!” -Shakespeare, The Tempest    

First Impressions of Seoul

First Impressions of Seoul

I arrived in Seoul last Monday and as classes still don’t start for another two days, I have had a decent amount of time to get acquainted with the city that I will call home for the next four months. Before coming to Seoul, I conducted literally no research about Korean culture/society/language/food, simply because I …

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Benvenuto! I have arrived!

Benvenuto! I have arrived!

Benvenuto! As you have probably figured out by now I am spending my semester in Rome, Italy at the John Felice Rome Center! Cool, right? Well after arriving only three days ago I can honestly tell that this semester is going to be amazing. Although I am junior I feel like I am a freshman …

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Reality begins to set in

Reality begins to set in

Today is the day I take my first flight out of America, the place I call home. It happens really fast, one moment you are sitting in your high school class writing out a bucket list you hope won’t be just a dream and then the next moment you are finally able to cross it …

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A Thank You Letter to Ireland

A Thank You Letter to Ireland

I know I was supposed to write a blog post about my two weeks of travel that I returned back to Cork from on the 20th. Those weeks were two of the most fantastic I have ever experienced, traveling to Copenhagen, Berlin, Krakow, Prague, Vienna, and Budapest, opened my eyes to so many new cultures …

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Food. One of the main reasons I wanted to study abroad in Vietnam. Hello… Vietnamese food is delicious! I must be honest about a few things: Surprisingly, I do not crave “American” food! I find myself craving Vietnamese dishes over macaroni and cheese or whatever it is that we Americans eat. Now, don’t get me …

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Wales! Hampton Court! London! [oh my]

Wales! Hampton Court! London! [oh my]

Hi y’all!! I am officially in my LAST MONTH of study abroad!!! So busy, so sad, so excited, so …poor? 🙂 Don’t worry though, I still have a few last tricks and trips up my sleeve! I’m considering this last month as the sudden death round of my semester in London (as in, I may suddenly …

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The Beginning of the End

The Beginning of the End

As May begins, so does my final month abroad. In a few short weeks I will back in the US,  and while there are some things I am looking forward to- seeing friends, my dog, eating Skyline and Graeters, and of course, reuniting with my family- there are so many things I am leaving behind. …

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All good things must come to an end

All good things must come to an end

The past few weeks have been a blur of last-minute sightseeing, nights out with friends, and studying for final exams (yes, we actually study here). In calcio news…Celeste rocked this season! We made it to the final four, but didn’t make it to the championship game. However, I’ll make the bold statement that we had …

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10 Things I hate about Rome

10 Things I hate about Rome

I sit on the second floor of the library looking at the covers of books around me and find myself stumbling upon an English Italian dictionary when I really should be packing. Without any purpose, I flip to a random page in hopes of gaining knowledge of something in which I didn’t already know, but …

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