The GoGlobal Blog


Week 1

Week 1

Well I made it. Feels like I’ve been in London for approximately 3 months but I’ve actually been here now for exactly 10 days. My first few days here kind of blurred together. Most of my time the first weekend was spent meeting my new flatmates (all four of them), buying things for the flat …

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An Improbable Fiction

An Improbable Fiction

“If this were played upon a stage now, I could condemn it as an improbable fiction.” – Shakespeare, Twelfth Night Hello friends back home! Here we are at the end of another busy week, and an exciting one for a very special reason – as of yesterday, we’ve been here for a month! It’s hard …

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Stay in Band, Kids!

Stay in Band, Kids!

“Stay in band, kids!” It’s something I’ve heard my entire life and definitely something I’ve whole-heartedly embraced as I’ve grown up. Many of you know that I’m a total band/music freak and I’m not afraid to geek out and share that with people. Throughout my life, there have been many benefits from being a crazed …

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Fortune brings in some boats that are not steer’d.

Fortune brings in some boats that are not steer’d.

(this Sunday blog post brought to you on a Tuesday, courtesy of poor internet connection and website errors) “Fortune brings in some boats that are not steer’d.” -Shakespeare, Cymbeline Well, here we are, another Sunday after another busy week! It’s been a particularly good one, too – lots of work but lots of time for fun …

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The Big and the Small

The Big and the Small

Ciao! My first 20 days in Italy have been extremely busy but productive! Since arriving all of us at the JFRC have been learning how things work in Rome and on campus, and we all got to spend a weekend in the beautiful region of Umbria! Now that classes are picking up and routines are …

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New Friends and Stranger Companies

New Friends and Stranger Companies

“And thence from Athens turn away our eyes, To seek new friends and stranger companies.” -Shakespeare, A Midsummer Night’s Dream What a busy week! I think I’m coming to accept that while I’m here, I’m just going to be constantly tired. . . but I’m loving every second of it, so it seems like a pretty …

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