The GoGlobal Blog


Six Flags or Oktoberfest?

Six Flags or Oktoberfest?

Ciao a tutti! Another weekend spent traveling, but this time, it occurs outside the borders of Italy. Wherever could I have gone next? The title probably gave it away, but I went to Germany! Munich to be exact, to attend the ever famous, ever raved about, Oktoberfest. All I got all week from everyone was, …

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I Fell in Love Last Weekend

I Fell in Love Last Weekend

Yes, you read that title correctly. I fell in love last weekend. But not with a person, no. With Milan. This past week was fashion week in Milan: one of the most famous events that happens in the fashion industry. Sure, fashion week happens in several large cities, but how many people can say that …

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Frogger: Real Life Edition

Frogger: Real Life Edition

I title this blog Frogger because I think it accurately describes my daily life of trying to cross the street in China. Beijing is set up via a system of Ring Roads, which I did not know until about 2 weeks ago. What I like about many of the streets here is there are not …

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Ti Amo Amalfi

Ti Amo Amalfi

Buongiorno a tutti! This past weekend marked our first weekend of solo travel, and to put it simply, it was an indescribable experience. Every single part of it felt like a dream, and I still can’t believe this is my life currently. I have to keep pinching myself and reminding myself that I’m here in …

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The American Chamber of Commerce

The American Chamber of Commerce

Lately, I have been on the ride of my life. So much going on! Isn’t a semester abroad supposed to be the “easiest” of all your semesters while in college?! I thought I was busy back in Chicago, but that does not compare to here at all!I recently started my internship at the American Chamber …

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Day One Acquaintances

Day One Acquaintances

On the very first day that I started this journey I met two very special people in my life. I did not know it at the time, but these two would soon become my very close friends here at TBC. They get special recognition as my very first (very late) blog post! I want to …

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The Man on the Bus

The Man on the Bus

It is week three in Rome and completing this blog entry has just been one of an ever-increasing collection of things I have to do. September 12 was the biggest holiday in the Islamic calendar: Eid al-Adha. It’s the holiday in which Muslims perform the the pilgrimage to Mecca: Hajj. Unfortunately, I have a Roman …

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