The GoGlobal Blog


Halloween in Vietnam

Halloween in Vietnam

Halloween in Vietnam was a strange experience for me. There was certainly no chill in the air, the usual signal that Halloween is here and fall is in full swing. Instead we sweltered in 90-degree heat while attempting to apply face paint and costumes to 40 squirming bodies. We spent our Halloween at SMILE, our …

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eating until our belts snapped

eating until our belts snapped

Poland is a country full of gorgeous landscapes, hospitable people, and amazing food.  I may be a bit bias, considering I am Polish-American, but once you experience it for yourself you will forever understand.  Just thinking of the hot, delicious pumpkin soup and delectable pierogi is making my mouth water. The JFRC had two study …

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Greece Trip!

Greece Trip!

Hi all, It’s been a little while since I’ve returned from my 10 day trip to Greece, and I want to give you some details of the amazing time I had there!  This trip was arranged by the JFRC, and I was accompanied by around 50 classmates. We flew from Rome to Athens and had …

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October~ cakes, and pies, and the moon

October~ cakes, and pies, and the moon

October for me has been a month of many things- School picking up speed, late Summer finally conceding to the reality of Autumn, Halloween, two of my three brothers birthdays, and of course my own birthday. One thing has been constant for October- pumpkin pie. Every year I go through several pumpkin pies… sometimes by …

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2nd Half of OcToBeR

2nd Half of OcToBeR

October 17 to October 28th Fall Break Instead of Spring Break in Rome at the JFRC we are given a fall break. Now our fall break is the lasts one week, the equivalent of a spring break. It gives us students a chance to travel to and go see Europe or Italy. I chose to …

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That Time We Were “Rich” In Budapest

That Time We Were “Rich” In Budapest

Ciao friends! Here is the final installment of my posts about fall break! After Poland a few of us went to Budapest in Hungary. The first thing you need to know about Hungary is that they have this crazy currency. Called the Hungarian Forint (abbreviated HUF so we called the currency “Hufflepuffs” after the house …

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Paris and Orvieto

Paris and Orvieto

Paris has been my favorite weekend trip thus far- I can’t even put to words how much I enjoyed it! We woke up the first morning bright and early to walk to Notre Dame Cathedral- only 5 minutes from our hotel! We walked up the 400+ steps to the top and saw some amazing views …

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