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Six Flags or Oktoberfest?

Six Flags or Oktoberfest?

Ciao a tutti!

Another weekend spent traveling, but this time, it occurs outside the borders of Italy. Wherever could I have gone next? The title probably gave it away, but I went to Germany! Munich to be exact, to attend the ever famous, ever raved about, Oktoberfest. All I got all week from everyone was, “You’re going to Oktoberfest? OMG you are going to have so much fun. It was the best weekend of my life.” Safe to say, expectations were high. And I am happy to say that these expectations were met and then some. But let’s start from the beginning.

Munich is probably one of the most beautiful cities I have ever been to. I feel like I’ve said that about everywhere I’ve gone so far, but in all honestly, I’m ranking this place at number one. Upon arrival, I instantly knew I was going to enjoy this weekend. Everyone was so kind, from the lady who helped us at the train station to the man making our coffee in Starbucks (Yes, you heard me correctly. STARBUCKS PEOPLE. I never ran so fast in my life to order that peach green tea lemonade.) On top of all of that, the city was so cute and homey feeling. Flowers in radiant colors of red and purple hung from the side of the buildings, which were carved with intricate designs that provided an ancient yet modern feel. I felt like I entered a Disney movie. I kept saying, “Does it not feel like we are in Tangled right now?,” which, by the way, is my favorite Disney movie, so you could say I was in heaven.

Rapunzel, where you at?

Every turn led to another breathtaking view, and I knew in that moment that I never wanted to leave. I was and am plotting my return because I want to spend the entirety of my life there. I know absolutely no German, but I think I can manage.

We went to the Hofbräuhaus for dinner, which was a very unique experience. We walk in and basically everyone is screaming chants, pounding on tables, and standing on their chairs. I thought maybe we had entered the wrong building, but nope, this was it and I was a bit scared. We eventually found a table in the far back, away from all the noise, which was kind of a relief. I’d normally be down for dinner and a show, but after being on a bus for 10 hours, I kind of just wanted to enjoy my food and the conversation with my friends without developing a massive headache. Yet, the headache came anyways when we ordered a beer, and it appeared in front of me in a stein (glass) bigger than my head. It was called the Radler, which is lemonade and beer, and it was gross. I hate beer, so you may be asking yourself, why even bother going to Oktoberfest? Because it about so much more than drinking!

Had to use two hands to pick it up, it was THAT big

We went to Oktoberfest on Saturday, wearing our dirndls (shown in the picture below). I felt absolutely ridiculous, but mostly everyone was wearing one, so I didn’t feel too out of place. We walk in, and my friend turns to me and says, “Did we just enter Six Flags?” I had to think for a second because it truly felt like I was about to go ride Superman (I haven’t been to Six Flags in 6 years, please tell me that’s still a ride there- it was the best!) But the entire area was filled with rides, such as rollercoasters and carousels, booths with games and food. It was like a little kid (and my) heaven.

Dirndls aka the most uncomfortable article of clothing on this planet

We walked around and ended up in a “tent,” which aren’t tents at all. I might be the only person on the planet who didn’t know this, but when I pictured Oktoberfest, I imagined literal tents that everyone stood underneath and drank. Nope! They are actual buildings, full of tables and music. I was a bit overwhelmed because everyone was standing on the tables, and it was SO loud. German music was blasting, and I knew I wasn’t in Rome anymore. It was such a weird experience, but a lot of fun. Everyone was so kind, dancing and singing with us. A little advice, make sure to find a table because you won’t be served beer or food if aren’t sitting down.

The whole day consisted of hopping between tents, singing with others (we met people from Austria, Germany, Russia, everywhere!), eating lots of food (I don’t recommend the brats because I got food poisoning (: ), and having lots of fun. Also, don’t think you need to drink to have fun. I didn’t buy a drink the entire day because 10 euro on a stein of beer just didn’t seem worth my money. What did I buy? An apple strudel, duh. The best apple strudel on this planet at the dessert tent. You can have fun if you allow yourself to. I didn’t want to leave Germany because it was one of the best weekends of my life!

Tents I Recommend for Future Oktoberfest Goers: 

1. Schottenhamel- This was the first tent we went to, and it was definitely the most German in my opinion. Even though they played some ABBA, which was the highlight of my day, it was 99% German music, but so fun! We were able to easily find a table, and the waitress was always nearby in case you wanted to buy a beer. We met a lot of nice people at this tent, even a few older Italian men who weren’t shy to dance on the tables with us.

2. Café Kaiserschmarrn- Not a beer tent, but it is truly God’s gift to humanity. It’s the dessert tent! They play live music and have the most delicious and beautiful looking treats I have ever seen in my life. You can order outside, but I recommend going inside because the line is always shorter. We went in there twice that day because we couldn’t get enough. I got the apple strudel, and as I said before, it was incredible. I think it was 4 euro, so not terrible when compared to all the other expensive food at Oktoberfest.

3. Hofbräu Festzelt- This is the counterpart to the infamous Hofbräuhaus. Go here early because by the time we went, they claimed it was full and weren’t letting anyone in. We went and hung in the beer garden in the back, but from friends, I heard it was such a fun tent. So, unfortunately I don’t have an opinion to give, but considering it’s one of the most famous tents, it must be worth checking out!

4. Löwenbräu-Festhalle- It’s considered the favorite “meeting place” of Oktoberfest, which seems fitting, since that’s where we met up with most of our friends. This tent was the most fun in my opinion because they played a bit more “American” music, such as Sweet Caroline (which was an awesome moment, may I add).  We sat at a table with a few guys from Holland, and they were the funniest people I have ever met. They were dancing with us, as was everyone behind us. I thought it was the most social tent, although the waitresses were a bit more mean here. It’s rather hard to find a table here, so come early!


Danke (“thank you” in German) Germany, back to Rome I go!

Arrivederci i miei amici! <3

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