The GoGlobal Blog


Why Royal Jordanian puts American Airlines to Shame

Why Royal Jordanian puts American Airlines to Shame

[13 hours on the Airbus] 1. They have touch-screens in every seat. These come with games, on demand movies, an interactive map of where your plain is/how fast it’s going/ETA, streaming radio, Arabic music, American music, etc. 2. The flight attendants look like models. What happened to the good old days where female flight attendants …

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Previously aired in the last post…

Previously aired in the last post…

Attempting to beat the picture system.  let’s have a go at it, shall we? This morning, we had to take care of our own breakfast, and when i went into the school cafe to pick up a pastry, i saw this bao that looked like it was filled with pandan paste.  Highly suspicious that pandan …

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so…the flight took a long time.  we were supposed to land in beijing at about 3pm, but due to thunderstorms, we ended up getting diverted to a smaller city west of beijing, taiyuan.  Most of us on the plane didn’t even realize we had been diverted until the captain decided to announce as we hit …

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Rain, rain, go away!

Rain, rain, go away!

¡Hola a todos! ¿Qué tal? So, I have officially made it through my first two days of class at Universidad Rey Juan Carlos. And as I sit here typing this, I look out my window and see a rainbow over the city. Yep, that’s right. A rainbow. That means rain. And it has been raining …

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Tips On Beating the Heat!

Tips On Beating the Heat!

Roman summers are hot! Here is a quick guide on a few ways for you to keep your cool: 1. Drink water. Lots of it. This should be obvious, but most of us are not in the habit of carrying a water bottle or two around. Save your bottles. Rome has several fountains where one …

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The Night Before…

The Night Before…

I am packing. I despise packing, but i guess the fact that i’m packing for something awesome makes it okay. I’ve always been a notorious over-packer, and so packing light for China (and traveling once i’m China) has proven to be somewhat of a struggle.

How To Survive A Papal Blessing.

How To Survive A Papal Blessing.

According to my Italian textbook, religion (i.e. Roman Catholicism) is one of the main reasons people go to Rome. Although I am not Catholic, I do acknowledge the impact  that Catholicism has had on Western history and art, plus Father Bosco’s tours usually featured gelato at the end. I even went to the papal blessing. …

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One of the best things about studying abroad is being able to travel on the weekends. One of the best things about the JFRC is that they understand that and only have classes Monday thru Thursday, so students can travel. Our first weekend travel excursion was with the JFRC to Pompeii. The sheer size of …

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Rode Hard and Put Away Wet

Rode Hard and Put Away Wet

Greetings from Italia, home of heat, side streets, rain, and the Jersey Shore. This week was the middle of my trip, and it sure seemed like it. I had midterms in the beginning of the week, which went well. Then on Wednesday, my whole program went to the Papal audience, because our school was being …

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I´m having a good time

I´m having a good time

So all I can say is that I´m absolutely in love with this place, my title was inspired by the Queen song which I feel can pretty much describe how things are going. 1. I live on a cliff over the water so I get an awesome butt workout everyday going home. 2. siestas are …

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