The GoGlobal Blog


I´m having a good time

I´m having a good time

So all I can say is that I´m absolutely in love with this place, my title was inspired by the Queen song which I feel can pretty much describe how things are going. 1. I live on a cliff over the water so I get an awesome butt workout everyday going home. 2. siestas are bomb. 3. The people are so friendly here and there is no crime. 4. I´m in Spain! But I am having the best time and my spanish is definitely getting better. I have also been going out and making new friends which is  really fun. They are very shy people here so obviously I am funny to them because I am loud and will just walk up to anyone and practice me some spanish. My class is pretty cool because there are only 4 of us in it and my professor is in charge of this program so thats pretty sweeet. This blogging business is hard because I can´t remember any of the things I wanted to say when I finally get a chance to sit down and write! So please, if you have any questions feel free to ask! Agur! (thats basque for bye!)

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