The GoGlobal Blog


a little taste of home

a little taste of home

ok, for the life of me, i couldn’t figure out why i was typing and NOTHING was showing up. apparently my font was white.  what the?  anyways….i am currently ingesting a food from home…but not the typical american stuff.  i guess i did just eat a rice burger (read: seaweed with rice, egg, meat patty, …

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Done in Italy, Off to Greece

Done in Italy, Off to Greece

I’m sure you all have noticed that this blog has been pretty quiet in regards to tales of my European adventures, but needless to say, I have been less than quiet here. Somehow I managed to squeeze my way into an informational video about the campus for incoming international students. I’m sure the advisors picked …

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Calcio? Er I mean Fútbal

Calcio? Er I mean Fútbal

So catch up time. Ironic that I am saying catch up when I only have 13 days left in Europe, and only 9 more in Spain. Has it already been a month?! It just doesn’t seem possible. It is time to really get out into Madrid and see all that I want to see, especially …

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I did not like Rome. Fact. Maybe it was a function of where I was staying, maybe it was being sick, maybe it was having just left Tunisia. There was a bit of culture shock after a month in Africa. Seeing bare shoulders and other uncovered…parts….was actually uncomfortable. Possibly also sick of all the spaghetti …

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The Bottom Line about Female Dress in Jordan

The Bottom Line about Female Dress in Jordan

True: in parts of the city, it’s not uncommon to see Jordanian women in miniskirts, tank tops, or even summer dresses. But if you’re not Jordanian, leave the stilettos at home. There’s a very understood familial culture in Jordan. It’s a tribal country* that operates with a very protective network of communities. And just because …

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1st World Internet

1st World Internet

I’ve taken five showers in my lifetime that I can describe as life altering. Two of which I legally can’t speak about. I’ve been in Rome for 3 days, and I just now feel like I have 75% of the sand out of my clothing/hair/ cell phone? Said cell phone is no longer working BTW. …

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Spare Time! Finally!

Spare Time! Finally!

You wouldn’t think that finding the time to blog over a four day period would be that difficult, but when those days are your first four in China it starts to make sense.  In fact, I can’t quite believe four days have passed since my 20 hour plane ride finally came to an end.  The …

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the fatal attraction of shopping

the fatal attraction of shopping

but this guy, and apparently lots of other people, keep asking if i’m 中国人, which throws me off. because to me that means “are you chinese?” and to them that means “are you from china?” so i’ve said yes a few times and had to catch myself, saying quickly, “不不不不不, 我是美国人”

Navigating Queen Alia Airport (& SIT Protocol)

Navigating Queen Alia Airport (& SIT Protocol)

Getting into Jordan is pretty straightforward. Everyone in the airport (and most people here, it seems) speak English. That said, using your (my) broken Arabic at the visa counter is more of a timesuck than anything. Conveniently for students like me who are  jumping into a program that operates on a you-know-as-you-go philosophy, telling immigration …

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