The GoGlobal Blog


Uncharted Territory

Uncharted Territory

Dear Family and Friends! My journey just started a mere 24 hours ago, but I already have so much to tell you all! My flight from the States went well, and I even made some new friends along the way, including graduates who are meeting up with their parents to go hiking for a few …

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Leaving for Roma

Leaving for Roma

Whoo hoo! Fifty degrees in Wisconsin in January?!!? Feels like good traveling weather. And what a day it is. I’m leaving for Rome! Alright, so I’ve got a few hours before the fam and I leave for Chicago. How would I describe the morning so far? HECTIC! What a surprise. I’m sure I’m not the …

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All Good Things Come To An End

All Good Things Come To An End

I am homeward bound tomorrow. It is nearly impossible to wrap my head around the fact that I will not be in Europe in less than 24 hours. It is definitely bittersweet.  I cannot wait to be home for the holidays. I have this great picture in my head (similiar to the ending scene of …

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A Little Perspective

A Little Perspective

I only have 17 days left in Europe. While I feel like bursting into tears at the thought that these beautiful months are close to being over, I cannot help but let the tinge of joy spread as I think about sharing my stories, pictures, gifts, and laughs with those closest to me back home.  …

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The long awaited, ever fabulous: Paris

The long awaited, ever fabulous: Paris

I can’t believe that I’m already back in Rome after my last trip of the semester. I loved Paris (coming soon: ranking of the places I’ve been this semester) and I definitely made some great memories there. The weekend was kicked off on Wednesday night last week since it was the beginning of Thanksgiving break. …

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Hola queridos! It’s finally starting to hit me that this is really and truly my last week in Mexico. I have friends that will be staying in Mexico for the entire year and when they talk about the classes they’ll be taking or the upcoming parties and outings they’re planning, I realize that I won’t …

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Un puente con amigas lindas

Un puente con amigas lindas

Hola hola! I don’t even really know how to start this post to describe how incredible the past trip I took was. Our school had a break from Friday through Monday and so some friends and I decided to go to Leon, Guanajuato and San Miguel de Allende for a few days. We started in …

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T- 1 Month

T- 1 Month

I can’t believe that there is only a little over a month left! Time has flown by so fast since I’ve been in Rome. At the same time, however, I feel like I’ve done a ton of awesome things this semester so far. This past weekend was no exception: definitely one of the record books. …

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Barcelona Bound!

Barcelona Bound!

Last weekend I went on my long- awaited trip to Barcelona for the weekend. I was especially excited because we booked the flight to leave Thursday night and return early Monday morning to maximize the time we would have in Spain. I was also excited to see how much Spanish I would remember from high …

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