The GoGlobal Blog


A Little Perspective

A Little Perspective

I only have 17 days left in Europe. While I feel like bursting into tears at the thought that these beautiful months are close to being over, I cannot help but let the tinge of joy spread as I think about sharing my stories, pictures, gifts, and laughs with those closest to me back home.  I have grown to understand that home is a relative term.  For me, it is the people that make up my home, not the place.  I recall the tearful goodbyes that I said in August, and I know that those people are my home.  I have found comfort in the idea that no matter how far I travel, I always carry the love and support from them.

I am overwhelmingly grateful at all that I have seen. So far I have been to 17 countries and 23 different cities all the while calling Prague my temporary home.  I will end this semester’s adventure in the UK and Ireland where I will visit London, Edinburgh, and Dublin.   I have learned so much about myself and grown in more ways than I can say. I know now that my eyes were meant to see foreign skies, my feet to walk the cobblestone streets, my ears to hear melodies from a far, my mind to soak up new individuals’ stories, and my soul to wander the crossroads of cultures.

I am fortunate enough to continue this wonderful year in Australia as well, so I honestly feel like I am perhaps undeserving of this wonderful fortune. Studying abroad has changed my life forever. Much to my chagrin I cannot restrain myself from using that cliché to describe my time in Europe.   Prague has truly captured my heart. I bid farewell to the little girl that I taught English to today. I met her and her mom in the Christmas markets in Old Town Square and we meandered in among the venders soaking up the Christmas spirit. It was a perfect way to say goodbye and I cherished the last moments that I was able to spend with them.

As much as I would like to continue telling you about my time, I am painfully behind on my final papers. It is easy to forget that I am still in fact in school while living over here. Reality has hit and I need to get to work.

I regret to say that I am desperately behind on updating this blog on my recent travels to Poland, Croatia, Germany, Montenegro, and Rome.  As soon as finals are done, I will share all of my tales, I promise.

Happy Reading!

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