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Un puente con amigas lindas

Un puente con amigas lindas

Hola hola!

I don’t even really know how to start this post to describe how incredible the past trip I took was. Our school had a break from Friday through Monday and so some friends and I decided to go to Leon, Guanajuato and San Miguel de Allende for a few days. We started in Leon because there was a hot air balloon festival (Festival de Globos) and have a friend that lives in Leon who was nice enough to let 5 girls crash in her place for 2 days. The festival was so beautiful, even my pictures couldn’t capture how amazing it was. We went the first night for a bit, and as we came closer to the grounds via bus we saw all of them light up, sincronized to the music. But the next day, we were able to get up at 5:30 am and see all of the people preparing their balloons and then seeing them all take off. There had to be close to 150-200 balloons all in the sky; just gorgeous. After that magic, our Leon friend took us around to local places to eat and to buy shoes, since Leon is famous for them….yeah not a good idea for a girl on a budget. I ended up with part leather/part fake boots for about $25, a leather bag for $20 and a fake leather purse for like $5. I’m actually proud I was able to resist that much, since my friends all ended up with at least 4 pairs and a few bags.

After being in Leon for 2 days, we set off for Guanajuato and enjoyed the rest of that day, a night and an afternoon there, eating, drinking, exploring, buying more stuff, ect. I had been there before when I came to Mexico with my high school senior year, but it really is a precious city to see it again in person. The next afternoon we set off for San Miguel and enjoyed a night there and part of Monday until we headed back for DF. I had also been to San Miguel, but this a much more enjoyable visit since I was able to spend more time there (and being of age makes going out a lot more fun). And my friends and I made our debut on stage in the plaza singing Mexican ballads…we sounded pretty good….too bad i didn’t know the words 😀

It’s amazing how the time flies, so this little break from my daily routine was nice and the friends I went with are amazing girls. It’s moments like the ones I had this weekend that make me sad to go back and some days I feel like I could just never go back and live here and sell tacos or something and be completely happy. But then I just make a promise to myself to come back many many times so I won’t miss it so much.

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