The GoGlobal Blog


Ciao tutti!

Ciao tutti!

I haven’t had a chance to catch my breath let alone blog until now, as we have been insanely busy this last week. I don’t think it has truly set in that we are in Rome, the Eternal City, but I am slowly starting to believe it. Before I dive into the awesomeness that is Roma, I should probably tell you a little bit about myself.

I’m a second semester Junior at Loyola. I have transferred a few times, but the most recent school I attended before Loyola was Purdue and this is actually my first semester at Loyola. I couldn’t think of a better way to kick off my Loyola experience than spending the semester in Rome, and so far this has been one of the greatest decisions I have ever made.

I’m an English major with an emphasis on creative writing and and even more particular emphasis on poetry. Yes, I am well aware that is not going to pay my bills.

Besides a wonderful trip to Canada, this is my first time out of the country

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