The GoGlobal Blog


Day 20: Orvieto Day Trip

Day 20: Orvieto Day Trip

Another early day here in Italy! The whole campus is off to Orvieto for a day in the Tuscan countryside.  Like I said before, never pass up a school organized trip! You have already payed for it and they are really fun and allow you to see places that you wouldn’t have thought to go see otherwise. Driving through Tuscany was so beautiful, it has fields and fields of sunflowers and is breathtaking. It was so early in the morning and I was so tired, but it was just oo beautiful to even sleep. I had never heard of Orvieto before this trip but I am so glad we went! This little Tuscan town is so beautiful with the typical Italian feel. It is only a mile long so we probably walked around the entire town about 4 times throughout the day.

When we first arrived, we got a tour of the town and the beautiful church. The tour guide was amazing and knew so much about the history of the town and even the church’s architecture. After our tour we got to walk around a bit and then we all met up for a cooking class and lunch at the restaurant, Zeppelin. I definitely took up the opportunity to volunteer to help cook, too. It was so much fun watching the chief cook, and we actually got to eat all of the food that we helped make.

After a delicious meal, we got to walk through the town to explore and shop. We climbed the towns clock tower and enjoyed beautiful views of the countryside because Orvieto is on the top of a hill. (We also got a little surprise when the bells on top of the clock tower started going off haha) We all bought a lot of cool souvenirs too. Orvieto has beautiful ceramics and I was able to buy a really cool butterfly for my room at home and also some wine corks with painted ceramic tops. I would say it was a pretty successful day! Back to Roma for more studying and sightseeing! Ciao!

Fields of sunflowers on the way to Orvieto.

Beautiful View

Just walking around town.

Cooking lessons! Me cutting pasta 🙂

View of the town and country side from the top of the clock tower.



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