The GoGlobal Blog


It is not all about the Gelato

It is not all about the Gelato

I have yet to have Gelato, which may jolt some of your taste buds and pick some of your brains. But truly the only time I have had any time to enjoy some gelato was on a Sunday evening and everything is closed…

After an amazing day swimming in the Mediterranean sea, regardless of the rainy beach day I came back with many memories.  One stood out to me in particular.

A shaggy dog who would not let me pet him, or anyone rather except his owner. However, in return he played soccer with us.  As we juggled the ball on the restaurant deck, the dog became ferocious and more then willing to attack that weird patterned round thing as big as him.

Anyway, we soon figured out that the little pup wanted to play and pass the ball back to us with his head.  The suspense began to build as the a crowd of just over 76 gathered to see a dog smaller then a ball pass back and forth.

Not to mention as I have embarked on this trip of a lifetime, I have tried more then enough new foods… and yes I mean new for those of you that know me that is a foreign turf, lets just say in four days in rome I have tried fried cauliflower, pasta with red sauce, pizza with a bitter cabbage, calimari, and bread with tomatoes.

My days consist of new piazzas, roman forum, colloseo, getting lost, asking locals for help in Italian, termini, takeaway pizzas, and peroni birra.

My nights consist of the tivere river (Tiber), DJ booths, free wine, meeting people from all over the world, and taking the lovely n6 bus back without paying a single cent and of course sleepless nights

But no need to worry I am confident that being stuck on central time zone will wear off within a few days, but until then I am signing off at 3:09ROMAN time

Stay Classy and Safe



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