The GoGlobal Blog


I already love it here!

I already love it here!

It’s my fourth day here in Rome, and I am finally starting to feel comfortable with directions around our neighborhood and downtown. Two days ago I participated in a fantastic scavenger hunt that included taking pictures at Vatican City, the Pantheon, Trevi Fountain, Spanish Steps, several famous statues, and more–truly unbelievable sights. (Pictures to come) The neighborhood we are in at the JFRC is gorgeous, and so is downtown! I feel as though I could take a picture of every street I walk through. With orientation the past few days, I haven’t had much time yet for touring the city. That will change soon!  And picking up Italian hasn’t been too bad for the first few days- I like being able to speak a little bit, even if it comes out half-spanish! I also am really enjoying the exercise from walking everywhere, but comfortable shoes are definitely a must on any trip outside campus. I cannot get enough of all the pasta, pizza, and gelato here! Everything has been delicious thus far. Looking forward to meeting more fellow students, exploring new neighborhoods, and the upcoming start of classes.  I just know I’m going to love it here.

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