The GoGlobal Blog


Mass of the Holy Spirit

Mass of the Holy Spirit

The Mass of the Holy Spirit is a big deal here at the “Jforce”. It marks the end of orientation and sends you off into the semester with many well wishes from the staff and a delicious meal afterwards.

The mass is held in a beautiful, historical church in Piazza Navona. All religions are welcome and many students get to participate in readings and songs. The religious staff of the JFRC host the mass. They are funny guys.

Tip of the day: get to know the priests here. They are the nicest, most accepting, funniest people ever. They also know everything about Rome, from the amazing history to the great restaurants to the best wines! These guys are good company.

After the mass, the whole group goes to dinner for a celebration before school starts. It’s a great way to chat and enjoy. Afterwards, a lot of people went out and just walked around the beautiful Piazza Navona before heading back to campus.

This was a fantastic experience and I truly enjoyed getting out into Rome and visiting with new friends! Thanks to the staff of the John Felice Rome Center for putting it together!


Kelsey O

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