The GoGlobal Blog


Orientation in Rome is the best…

Orientation in Rome is the best…

Reasons why:

1.The sights! – This trip was a tour of the southern region of Campagna. We started with a tour of a huge castle called Reggia Caserta. It was filled with art and history and the gardens were massive! From there, we experienced Salerno and toured a Mozzarella di Bufalo (Mozzarella from Buffalo) farm and the historical ruins of Paestum. In Sorento, we toured a lemon farm and had a Limoncello tasting! I couldn’t believe how much we got to do on this weekend trip!

2. It’s free – Everything is included, from an awesome hotel in Salerno to all your meals and transportation. It’s excellent

3. Food – There is no bad place to eat food in Italy. All those delightfully free meals on this trip were all roughly four courses. First comes the antipasti, then the pasta, and then the main course (meat or veggie) with a side of veggies or salad. Oh yeah, and desert. Oh the deserts of Italy…

4. Nice buses – Long bus rides on these coach beauties are ideal for sleeping in between the fabulous sights of Campagna

5. Saldi – During the month of January (and again in July, I hear) all stores in Italy are on sale. It’s the perfect time to pick up a scarf for 3 Euro or post cards for 50 Eurocents.

6. Lemons – There are lemons everywhere on the Amalfi Coast! Try the lemon flavored gelato when in Sorrento! It’s where they grow all the delicious lemons! Also a good place to try Limoncello!

7. The sunset over Agropoli – This was the most amazing sight I have seen in my entire life. Nothing compared to it. Lights were just beginning to appear in the small towns below and sailboats floated in the harbor. Mountains stretched across the other side of the bay, slightly covered in haze. A church next to me rang the evening bells. An ancient castle cast shadows behind me. And in a matter of minutes the sun sank beautifully below what seems like the edge of the world. It was a perfect moment of tranquility and peace with my new friends. Which leads me to the best part of orientation in Rome…

8. New friends – I have met a million people since I arrived at the JFRC, but on the orientation trip, I was really able to get to know them. It was a great bonding experience for everyone and I think everyone came home a little more comfortable and confident about their semester!

More updates soon!


Kelsey O’Shaughnessy

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