The GoGlobal Blog


Month: September 2013

“Bibelot” – Week IV

“Bibelot” – Week IV

Cusano Mutri, Campania, Italy
Monte Porco – Cusano Mutri, Campania, Italy

“Bibelot” : a small object of curiosity, beauty, or rarity.

This past weekend I went on my first study trip. I use the word “bibelot” here to describe this trip because I never would have thought I would have the experiences that I had there, during my semester in Italy. SLA Chandni (further known as Slandni) promoted this trip as best she could and yet we weren’t sure if we would get enough people to go. Luckily, we ended up with 18 students (the perfect amount), Slandni and our very own professor Grazia. Instead of going into a long rant about how amazing the trip was, I will just make some bullet points of memories that I have and will always want to keep with me.

  • Hiking 1,500 kilometers to the top of Monte Porco (shown above) to the point where you can see the island of Capri in the distance
  • “Basta Billy” – naming the dog at the hostel where we stayed because he was so cute but so annoying – in the end we turned him into an imaginary person so that it was funny every time someone reprimanded him because we imagined they were reprimanding an actual human being (“Billy stop licking your butt!”)
  • Teaching the entire town of Cusano Mutri how to do the YMCA dance the correct way instead of forming the “Y” and then waving your arms in the air back and forth
  • Staying up until 1am and 2am to have group bonding with games of “spoons” and “mafia”
  • Eating every meal overflowing  with mushrooms because, of course, we were at the Sagra dei Funghi (Mushroom Festival)
  • Telling everyone my embarrassing story about the fact that I told my mom and the SLAs back at Rome that I was going to “Funghi, Italy” not realizing that that was not a real place – I then became founder of said “Funghi, Italy”
  • Learning how to make gnocci and other pastas along with tasting the (best) wine from Cusano Mutri

All in all, these study trips have shown me that there are people out there in the world that you will meet and bond with that you would have never encountered otherwise in your life time. These were people that I shared similar interests and hobbies with, who enjoyed hiking for half of a day only to be drenched in sweat and exhausted before you had to go to the festival, or who loved to drink wine at dinner and then go dance it all off in the middle of the street while getting the attention of the entire town.

To sum up the weekend, the most memorable part was when, on Saturday night we had finished our dancing around midnight and we all gathered to leave. As we were walking away from the festival, the DJ got on his microphone and bid the “americani” a farewell and the entire town clapped for us. It was nice to see that americans really aren’t hated by the europeans the way we might think.

On our last Sunday there we went to the surrounding area where we saw fossilized dinosaur and fish bones and then took one last shopping trip through the small town of Cusano Mutri. We bought Chandni a spoon to hang on her wall that has places to hang keys, etc. just to show her how grateful we were for all of her planning.

As you can see, we were all an incredibly happy group:

The Group on Monte Porco
The Group on Monte Porco

I dedicate this post to my fellow Funghi-ians, to forever remembering when we took that mushroom trip together!





Small Street right outside Campus West Gate

Ever since I can remember, I’ve wanted to go to China. From pictures of the Great Wall to watching Mulan about a million times, I was determined to one day stay in China for a few months. I’d heard wonderful stories from Chinese friends since Elementary school. Be it learning the language of a billion people, embedding myself in the culture that holds thousands of years of history, or living in the country with one of the fastest growing economies in the world, I was determined to see a country that is sure to be one of the most influential components of this worlds future. I cannot even believe this is real. Honestly. But I’ve been enjoying every minute, and have fallen in love with China.

About Me and the Semester to come:
I am studying abroad at The Beijing Center and am a current Loyola Student, a Junior to be specific, with Molecular Biology and French as my two majors.
I am studying in China for Fall Semester 2013 at University of International Business and Economics Campus.
I am ridiculously passionate about traveling and learning new languages and cultures.


Let the adventures begin!!!

Napoli e Sorrento

Napoli e Sorrento

This past weekend I was fortunate enough to travel to Naples and Sorrento with a few of my girlfriends. Considering we planned this trip 2 days before we left, and that none of us really have much knowledge on the ever confusing Italian transportation system, we were incredibly lucky with our travels.

We started our trip early Friday morning, taking a bus to the metra to another line on the metra and finally to our train to Naples. Considering we stick out like sore thumbs, us ladies generally attract attention from curious Italians and this train ride was no exception. We made some Italian friends who are in the Italian army and had ourselves a pretty hilarious time on the train. Some people had warned us that Naples was a sketchy town to visit and not worth seeing but I couldn’t disagree more. Naples is a city just like any other city so yes, you do need to be careful and situationally aware, but Naples is also bustling with an extremely cool and authentic Italian culture that I fell in love with. Among other things, I had the best pizza I have ever had in my life for 1.50 eu, watched the sun set over the sea with Mt. Vesuvius in the backround, and stayed at a really cool hostel where we made some polish friends.

Saturday we woke up early again, said goodbye to Naples and attempted to catch a ferry to Sorrento. We didn’t budget our time as well as we had hoped so we ended up running through the streets of Naples attempting to find the port. We had 2 minutes before the ferry left and I had kind of given up hope that we would make it but the ferry guys saw us running and held the ferry for us which was incredibly sweet. One guy actually took us into the employee entrace of the ticket office so that we could get our tickets as quickly as possible and then led us onto the ferry and man oh man am I glad we made that boat because the ride to Sorrento was breathtaking. The fog was just starting to clear and the views of Mt. Vesuvius and Capri were simply incredible. After a hectic morning, the boat ride put us into the relaxed mood we needed to have for beautiful Sorrento. In Sorrento we  walked around the lovely town, bought some jewelry and sunglasses, spyed on a few weddings, and headed down to the sea for some much needed swim and tan action. We left Sorrento Saturday night and while I had an amazing time, I was very glad to be back in Rome. I am starting to consider this magnificient place my home and I think other students are doing so as well because at dinner Sunday night everyone seemed really happy to be back from their weekend excursions.

that is all.


Papa Francesco

Papa Francesco

On wednesday I had the priviledge of attending a Papal Audience with at least 50,000 other people who had travelled from all over the world to see Papa Francesco. Even though the Pope didn’t speak until 1030, we got up at 630 to head to the Vatican so that we could get good seats and I’m glad we did because we had to fight tooth and nail to make our way to the front. I was pretty surprised that the toughest people in the crowd were either really old Italian women or nuns! They had no problem pushing us around and throwing ‘bows to beat us to the front. Even though I’m not Catholic it was still a really cool experience. Papa Francesco rode around the crowd on his Pope mobile, shaking hands, kissing babies, and just generally being a really delightful soul. After that some prayers were read and he gave a homily of sorts and then extended a blessing to the crowd. It was interesting because after everything the Pope said or read they had various Cardinals giving a summary of what he said in german, english, spanish, and arabic (which made the whole thing veeeery long but it was cool to see how they reached out to the multiracial crowd.) Overall the experience was very cool and if you ask me, Papa Francesco is a pretty amazing guy.

that is all.

The London Life

The London Life

I’ve been in London for two weeks now, and I can easily say they’ve been two of the most incredible weeks of my life. Surprisingly, London reminds me a lot of Chicago. There’s a river running through the middle of the city, the tube is just like the El, and I live in a nice residential area with a couple main roads nearby as in Roger’s Park. Considering how far away from home I really am, I feel comfortable here.

I haven’t had any extreme culture shock, and no one has said anything derogatory towards me for being American. Sometimes, though, I feel like I stick out like a sore thumb. One day I wore rain boots – no one here wears rain boots. One day I wore Sperry’s – no one here wears Sperry’s. And as soon as I open my mouth to speak, any chance of blending in goes out the window when they hear my American accent. But I’m picking up on things. To look like a local London girl I need to wear tights and a skirt with black flats and slightly messy hair. Jeans are less common, as is most large jewelry. Reading the newspaper on the tube is an unspoken rule, and if you don’t have your travel card ready when you get to the tube turnstile, you will get run over. It’s all very classy.

I learn new words and phrases everyday. Some words are ones that I’ve heard before and knew English people said, like “rubbish” and “cheers.” Yet, it never really sank in how often they’re used and how entertaining it is to hear them in conversation. I’ve been invited to “take a read”, to “form a queue”, and asked what I “fancy.” I’ve learned that a “brolley” is an umbrella, a “trolley” is a shopping cart, and a “torch” is a flashlight. Part of me hopes I’ll adopt some of these words and phrases into my daily vocabulary, but part of me hopes they will ways stand out as being strange and remind me of how special and unique this whole experience is.

Coming a week before school started has proven to be one of the best decisions I could’ve made. I’ve been able to do a LOT of touristy stuff, like London Bridge, Tower Bridge, Tower of London, The Monument, St. Paul’s Cathedral, Westminster Abbey, the Jewel Tower, Churchill War Rooms, Buckingham Palace and a bunch of shopping. Last weekend I took a train to Liverpool for a Beatles tour around the city. I love the feeling of having so many different things to do and see all the time. Today I went to Stonehenge and Bath with 3 other loyola girls studying here and our new German friend. I hope to travel somewhere exciting nearly every weekend!

I’m already looking ahead and making plans for the coming months. Check back for another update soon.


Sushi makes the World go Round

Sushi makes the World go Round

September 29, 2013


Location: Pingting Japanese Restaurant 坪亭铁板烧日本料理       Haidian District Branch: Line 10 Suzhoujie

 Cost: 198 RMB for Unlimited Sushi, Maki Rolls, Steaks,  Noodles, Desserts, Drinks, and Rice plates (higher places include more sushi

20-40 RMB for an entree of noodles and rice                choices)

The best food is without a doubt the miraculous and most beautiful creation of Sushi. My Chinese friend, Brook, and I headed to the branch  in Haidian District.

 Haidian District is extremely busy all the time because it is a huge college district. There are fantastic restaurants, giant shopping malls, and a really live night life. Definitely a must visit if you are in Beijing. We first headed there at 2:00pm, right after the Photo Studio, but sadly, they and all other surrounding Japanese Restaurants were closed by 2:00 pm and were to reopen at 5:00 pm. I was desperate for sushi, mainly due to the fact that I had had it set in my head for a week that I was going to go. After Brook had told me about the Japanese Architecture within and a meal of unlimited happiness aka sushi.

First thing we ordered was Seafood soup which was served in a cute little teapot with a small bowl next to it. It tasted a lot like Miso Soup (soybean paste soup). We ordered what the top picture displays, a delicious sashimi plate of different kinds of fish. I did

NOT touch the octopus though…just couldn’t bring myself to consume a tentacle-covered, cold, purple and white, squishy piece of octopus… Brook didn’t eat it either. The rolls were fantastic as well, filled with an assortment of fish. The only roll I would NOT recommend ordering is the Mexican Roll. The sauce on there was a weak attempt at a Mexican taco sauce and was a horrible combination with fish (awful). The rest of the rolls though were DELICIOUS. I also had the most amazing tea I have EVER had. Honey Citrus Tea. It was so good that I went out and bought some today. I bought a giant jar actually and have been drinking it non-stop today. (Fun-fact, it’s actually Korean). We also ordered these fancy-shmancy eggs that were soft boiled and filled with fois-gras and crab roe (crab eggs). We kept ordering till we were stuffed, and to top off the fantastic meal was a delicious bowl of strawberry ice-cream surrounded by red beans.

Photo Studio Bananza

Photo Studio Bananza

September 29, 2013


 Today was an eventful day. My fantastic tutor and friend, Brook, and I started by going out  to a Photo Studio. I’ve been wanting to take photos at a Studio in China because they always look  amazing. They do your hair and makeup for every outfit you try on. Chinese Studio for so many years (all my American-Chinese friends got them done). I did four outfits themes: elegant, modern, cute, and natural/casual. I get the photos back in one month though…but I’m so psyched to pick them out this Wednesday!!! (The picture on the left is in the chair they’d do make-up in; the dress is my natural/casual outfit). The make-up artist was incredible. She made my hair into four distinct styles so well (curled, fancy up-do, cute up-do, and natural waves).  Every shot by the photographer was equally fantastic. I think the rest has to be seen not described, so I should show them on the blog after I get them. (Picture below is the first dress and the elegant theme one).
  • Price: Huge Range (I got a discount online!) 1,000 RMB – 10,000 RMB
    Depending on how many sets, prints, and outfits you want
    My original price was 2,388 ¥ but the coupon got it down to 388  ¥
  • Location: There are several Branches, I went to one near Renmin University

Rest of the locations on the Website

Haidian District: Nanjing Impressions and Starbucks

Haidian District: Nanjing Impressions and Starbucks

September 29, 2013


Location: Suzhoujie Line 10


While waiting for the Sushi Restaurant to reopen at 5, Brook and I got an ideal opportunity to explore the lively Haidian District. We ventured first to Nanjing Impressions, which was conveniently in the shopping district and one of the malls of Haidian district. Brook’s hometown is in Southern China, Wuxi, about a half hour away from Shanghai. On the left is my adorable Chinese friend, Brook, who also happens to be my tutor here. We wanted to save some room for the feast of sushi that was to come (see post Sushi makes the World go Round). So we ordered some traditional smaller dishes from the Province of her hometown.

Nanjing is the capital of the Jiangsu province, where Wuxi is located. It is the province with the highest population density in all of China! It’s extremely famous for its rivers that criss-cross through various cities within it, earning it the title of “Venice of the East”. I really hope I can visit Wuxi with Brook one day. The pictures look absolutely stunning. Rivers laced with lanterns reflecting on the water, freshly-fished crabs served at restaurants, and ancient Chinese architecture all around the city.


The restaurant we went to was in the authentic decor of the cities around Nanjing, and of course Nanjing itself. Brook said even the silverware and the plates were traditional to the region. The dishes were equally authentic .We ordered several small plates. First, we ordered a rice dish that was shaped in a donut shape and was in a clear liquid. It was a cold dish and tasted a little bitter and sour. We

ordered two types of dumplings. One was a very thin dumping with shrimp in it, and one was filled with roast duck. We also ordered extremely large dumplings that were filled with meat and a hot liquid. To eat them you had to bite the top a little and drink the soup within them. It was DELICIOUS. The region is famous for it’s crab, and the soup was made with crab flavors. After you do so, you eat the rest of the

dumpling whole. We also ordered two sweet dishes. A red bean flavored thicker liquid with rice balls in it and a bowl of sweet soup with sweet potatoes in it.


All in all, it was extremely delicious and I highly recommend trying some Nanjing Cuisine as soon as you can!

“Humdinger” – Week V

“Humdinger” – Week V

“Humdinger” : a person, thing, action, or statement of remarkable excellence or effect.

Hofbrau Festzelt Tent, Oktoberfest
Hofbrau Festzelt Tent, Oktoberfest

If any of you get the chance ever to go to Oktoberfest in Munich, Germany… TAKE IT IMMEDIATELY. I cannot even begin to describe the fun that went down in Munich over this past weekend, but it will always be memorable in my mind. Even if you aren’t into drinking beer with people from every corner of the world, the city of Munich is beautiful, there are castles all around the city, the people are wonderful and the public transportation is spotless!

Now, one thing I will warn you… if you are not a camper, definitely do not chose to camp here. The horror stories I could tell you about our experiences camping for 3 days with Stoke Fest are beyond abnormal. I am pretty sure showering upon my return to Rome was one of the most glorious events of the trip so far.

Also, we took the 12 hour bus ride with Bus2Alps from Rome to Munich and on the way back it was still light out all through Austria and this is what it looked like…



… pretty phenomenal, eh?

Anyways, one of my favorite parts of Oktoberfest was how many people you meet while you are there. We met Australians, Scottish, American, English, German (obviously), Japanese, Croatian and even some Italians. This past weekend (the 2nd to last weekend of the festival) seems to be the best time for those studying abroad to go. Oddly enough I was seated at a random table in the tent that happened to be the same table as a friend from high school who is studying abroad in Prague this semester. Can you say small world?

Friends from high school studying in Prague and Spain
Friends from high school studying in Prague and Spain


At one point I found myself enjoying the view alone, eating a German hamburger, riding a kids swing and being the oldest rider on there by about 10 years or so. Many people at this point would have most likely questioned their lives, but I was as content as could be. The swings overlooked the entire Oktoberfest area and it was thrilling to see just how many people had come out to celebrate! What I never expected was for Oktoberfest to be a combination of a theme park and a lot of very very large beer tents.

Finally, when making this trip, remember to pack warmly. None of us (of course coming from Rome) expected it to be so cold, but by god, it was.

Midterms are coming up this week and next and oddly enough I am excited for some tests! That’s what Rome will do to you, make you so happy even studying and learning is the utmost enjoyable.



Stratton Harrison and I at Oktoberfest
Stratton Harrison and I at Oktoberfest