Cheat Sheet for T4 Power Users

Cheat Sheet for T4 Power Users

The following content types are available for sites using the Primary Layout and Primary Interior page layouts:

General Content Types

  • Accordion Panel
  • Code Only Template
  • FAQ Box – Multiple
  • FAQ Item
  • Feature Blog Post
  • Feature Content
  • Feature Link
  • Feature Multiple Links
  • Feature Story
  • Feature Video
  • Image
  • Infobox
  • Page Content Only
  • Panopto Video Embed
  • Staff Profile
  • YouTube Video Embed

Section Specific Content Types


  • announcements

home_news, home_center, home_left, home_right, right_column

  • Feature Content
  • Feature Link
  • Feature Story
  • Feature Video

home_left, home_right, right_column

  • Calendar Feed
  • Feature Blog Post
  • Feature Multiple Links
  • Recruitment Links
  • Social Networking Links

Stories >> archive

  • Feature Content
  • Feature Link
  • Feature Story
  • Feature Video

Videos >> archive

  • Code Only Template
  • Feature Link
  • Feature Video

Photos >> archive

  • Code Only Template
  • Feature Photo Gallery
  • Flickr gallery
  • Image
  • Page Content Only


  • Custom CSS


  • Custom JS


  • Organization Information (limit to 1)


  • Image (limit to 1)


  • Image (limit to 1)

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