

Social Work Professors Mason and Kelly receive Vigilante Award for Scholarly Excellence

Congratulations to Christie Mason and Brian Kelly who, along with co-author Virginia McConchie, were recently awarded the 9th Annual Florence W. Vigilante Award for Scholarly Excellence.  The award is given in recognition of the best article published in Volume 40 (2020) of the Journal of Teaching in Social Work.  The publication, “Including Neuroscience in Social …
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Interinstitutional Transnational Experience About Migration Studies – Two Jesuit Institutions Partner to Provide Academic Practice and Social Service

Professor Maria Vidal de Haymes has a long-standing commitment to migration studies. One focus includes international student exchanges within a humanitarian framework linked to social service with the Mexican migrant population in Chicago. Dr. Vidal de Haymes (Loyola University Chicago) and Dr. Graciela Polanco Hernandez (Iberoamericana University, Mexico) developed an interinstitutional transnational program designed to …
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Professor Amy Krings, along with her coauthors received Award for the Article of the Year in the Journal of Community Practice

Congratulations to Social Work Professor Amy Krings, along with her coauthors Tania Schusler and Melissa Hernández, who won the Marie Weil Award for the Article of the Year in the Journal of Community Practice. Their article – Integrating Youth Participation and Ecosocial Work: New Possibilities to Advance Environmental and Social Justice — was chosen because …
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Vote for the Greater Good

From the Dean’s Desk, Every election is consequential. Every vote matters. In less than 3 weeks, we will know the path our fellow citizens have chosen to follow on the selection of individuals and political parties through their individual vote. In a democracy it is the ordinary citizen, like you and me, who have the …
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Loyola Virtual Wellness Fair

This year the Wellness Fair is going to be a virtual conference with over 25 interactive workshops offered. You can register for all workshops on LU Community. 300 randomly chosen attendees will receive $10 in Rambler Bucks. Find the event flyer & registration links here. You can register for all workshops on LU Community. 300 …
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Welcome Letter Fall 2020

August 24, 2020 Greetings and Welcome to the School of Social Work in a new academic year! We are blessed that you decided to pursue your education and training with us at Loyola University Chicago during this time of disruption in almost all facets of our lives. It has been a time of fear, hurt, …
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Dr. Michael Dentato received the 2020 Langerbeck Award for Undergraduate Research Mentoring

2020 Langerbeck Award for Undergraduate Research Mentoring has been awarded to Michael Dentato, PhD, Associate Professor in the School of Social Work. The Langerbeck Award is one of the University wide teaching awards, and is awarded to a faculty member who “shows extraordinary success in providing intensive individual research experiences for undergraduate students.” We at …
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Academic Leadership & Self Care

As we pivot to the new realities of the COVID-19 pandemic on our campuses, academic leaders have stepped up in extraordinary ways to craft responses and shepherd our students, faculty, staff, and stakeholders in compassionate and practical ways. These are not ordinary times. And these are not ordinary efforts. While we go through this hectic …
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Social work faculty leads major initiative by the Jesuit Migration Network of U.S. and Canada

Maria Vidal de Haymes has been designated as the Teaching and Research Dimension Coordinator of the Jesuit Migration Network of U.S. and Canada (JMN-US/Canada). The JMN-US/Canada provides a platform for parishes, schools, universities, social centers, retreat houses, and other ministries rooted in Ignatian spirituality and tradition to come together across provinces and sectors to discuss, …
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