Category : activities

Welcome, new Loyolans! Let’s eat!

Note: For those who acknowledge a distinction, there will be no actual barbeque; we will be grilling out. I, for the record, am accustomed to using “BBQ” and endorse the above usage.

Original artwork by Molly Clasen.

Events, 2013-14: Theology and Ecology

‘Theology and Ecology’ Event Planning for AY 13-14


Fall Semester


1.  Oct. 4   

            Screening of James Balog film “Chasing Ice” and Post-Screening Panel Discussion

            Panel: William French (Theo), Michael Agliardo, S.J. (Soc), Martin Berg (Biol)

            7:00-9:00pm, Damen Theater, LSC


            LUC’s participation in the nationwide Catholic Climate Coalition program “Melting Ice,   Mending Creation: a Catholic Approach to Climate Change.” Organized by the LUC            Office of Sustainability.


2.  Oct. 15 

            Presentation by Pulitzer Prize Winning Environmental Journalist Bob Marshall 

            Screening of Elizabeth Coffman/Ted Hardin film “Veins in the Gulf”

            4th Floor IC   (times being determined)

            Panel Discussion: interested faculty


            The focus of the event is on exploring how the overlapping themes of journalism,

            ecology, and religion impact the narrative ‘reading’ of catastrophic storm events and

            environmental disasters (in this case, those in the Gulf of Mexico).


            Organized by the School of Communication, Institute of Environmental Sustainability,
            and the Department of Theology


3.  Nov. 14-15

            Conference: US Energy and Environment: Science, Ethics, and Public Policy


            Nov. 14  7:00pm   Keynote Lecture: Filmmaker James Balog

            Nov. 15  9:15am   Presentation on Energy and Climate Change (speaker TBA)

                           11:15am Dr. Emmanuel Agius

                                          Presentation on Energy Policy from a European Perspective                  

                           2:00pm   Panel: Science, Ethics, and Energy Policy

                                          Dr. Howard Learner

                                          Dr. Donald Wuebbels

                                          Dr. Jame Schaefer


            Organized by the Department of Theology and the Institute of Environmental

Graduate Student Orientation and BBQ

Hello current and future Graduate Students!
This email is to let you know that the Graduate Student Fall Orientation and Barbeque will be on August 30th. The orientation for new students will be from 3:00-4:30pm in the Crown Auditorium and the barbeque for all current students will be 4:30-7pm in the Crown Lobby.
Due to student requests, we were hoping to have the event a week earlier but were unable to secure a space on campus. Apologies for any inconvenience this may cause.
If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact me.
Thank you, and enjoy your day!

Molly Clasen
Office Assistant
Philosophy Department
Loyola University Chicago
Crown Center 381
1032 West Sheridan Road
Chicago, IL 60660
Phone: 773.508.2453
Fax: 773.508.2292

Grad Student & Faculty Pot-luck next Wednesday at 4:30!

SAVE THE DATE! Grad student and faculty end-of-year potluck coming up on May 1st!

On Wednesday May 1 from 4:30 – 7:00 in the Crown Lobby, you are invited to a Philosophy Grad Student and Faculty End-of-Year potluck.  We will be cheering on those graduate students who have defended and are graduating. And we will be honoring those faculty members retiring or recently retired.
More details soon.

Namaste! It’s Hindu Awareness Week, April 8-12

Namaste, Philosophy Department!

On behalf of Loyola University’s Hindu Students’ Organization, I would personally like to invite you all to learn more about the Hindu culture and traditions through Hindu Awareness Week during the week of April 8-12. As a growing organization on campus, HSO strives to raise awareness of the Hindu faith and culture throughout our campus. Hindu Awareness Week consists of a series events to help students and faculty learn and celebrate different aspects of Hinduism.

We will be kicking off the week with the opening of the new puja room in Damen 238 with an afternoon prayer followed by a clay diva painting activity. In the evening we will be honoring our Sanskars, or traditions, through a skit about the 16 sacraments. The next day, we will continue learning about Hinduism through Bhakti, or devotion, in our Traditional Music Night. Students will join together and put on performances to show their devotion to their faith. On the third night HSO will celebrate their ten years of success with an extravagant Anniversary Dinner, in which various students and staff will be speaking about their experiences with HSO. The fourth day will consist of a trip to a local temple, followed by a discussion about the Bhagavad Gita. We will be ending the week with yoga on Friday morning, followed by Relay for Life in the evening. All of the details and times for the events are attached in the flyer.

I hope you can join us for this exciting week of events filled with food, activities, and a celebration of the Hindu Students’ Organization’s tenth year in the Loyola Community. Loyola takes pride in being a multicultural and multifaith university, and we’re excited over this opportunity in which we can share our experiences and ideals of Hinduism with you. Please do also share this invitation with whomever you please, the more the merrier!

HSO Loyola

Join the Philosophy Club tomorrow at Dr. Virginia Strain’s presentation of “These Visions Did Appear” and for a discussion of homosexuality in Shakespeare

Graduate Teaching Group meeting time

This semester a teaching discussion group for graduate students is starting up. They’ll be meeting in the grad lounge one Thursday per month, at 3pm. This month’s meeting is on January 31st.

No set list of topics has been proposed, but the hope is that this will be a place for graduate students interested in becoming better teachers to come and share their concerns, strategies, and hard-won wisdom.

Contact Rebecca Scott for more info, rscott [at] luc [dot] edu.

Loyola Philosophy Run Club

Some philosophers are getting together to run on Mondays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays. The runs will start and end on campus (1-5 miles, depending on the day). If you didn’t get the schedule or would just like more details, get in touch with Lay, Philosophy Run Club President. All are welcome!