Author Archives: Corbin Casarez

Faculty Profile: Joy Gordon

This spring Dr. Joy Gordon joined Loyola as the Ignacio Ellacuria, S.J. Professor of Social Ethics. Her faculty page is here. AGSP asked Dr. Gordon a few questions to get to know our newest faculty member.

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AGSP:    Welcome to Loyola Chicago! We’re certainly glad to have you here, and we’re equally grateful for your participation in our series of faculty profiles. So what brought you to Loyola University Chicago?

JG:         I had heard wonderful things about the LUC Philosophy Department for many years. Two of my colleagues at Fairfield received their Ph.D. here and had nothing but glowing things to say about the faculty and students in the department.  I taught at Fairfield University for nearly twenty years, and while I really enjoyed it a lot, it’s very exciting for me to be in a department with a graduate program, and strong support for research. (more…)

History of (Western) Philosophy Graphic

Forwarded from Roslyn Wilson, enjoy:

History of Philosophy

Faculty Profile: Mark Waymack

Thanks to those who visit this blog. We hope it is a reliable source of information about the Philosophy program here at Loyola, events, student successes, and so on. In an effort to diversify our content while continuing to be informative, we are going to experiment with a new series profiling the philosophy faculty at our institution. This is the first of four planned for this spring, after which we will evaluate the project. So please feel free to leave your feedback in the comments or e-mail the Association of Graduate Students of Philosophy (AGSP) webmaster, Corbin Casarez (

Dr. Mark Waymack has charitably agreed to be the first in this series. He is an Associate Professor and the Chair of the Department of Philosophy at Loyola University Chicago.  For his official Loyola web page, visit

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AGSP:    Dr. Waymack, we’re really grateful that you have agreed to be our “guinea pig,” if you will, and be the first in what we hope to be an ongoing series. Let’s start with your intellectual biography: how did you come to philosophy, who or what were your influences, etc.

MW:     I was captivated by Philosophy in my freshman year of college. But because of interest as well as practicality, I also loaded up on Economics courses, winding up one class short of a double major. I did spend my junior year at the University of Edinburgh, which would have a lasting effect on my interests.

After graduating with the BA, I was still ambivalent about the risk of Philosophy as a career, so I went to the University of Exeter to do an MA in Moral Philosophy by thesis and exam. This gave me a chance to write a thesis and try out graduate work in Philosophy. I loved it, so I returned to the U.S. to do the Ph.D. at The Johns Hopkins University.

At Hopkins I did a lot of grad seminars in Classics and embarked on a dissertation in Plato’s ethics, but I had a nasty falling out with my director. Ugh. So reaching back to my year at Edinburgh, I skipped a couple of millennia and delved into a dissertation on 18th century Scottish moral philosophy.

Dissertating, as graduate students discover, can be a lonely sport, and somewhat disconnected from everyday life. So while I was writing the second half of the dissertation, I wrangled my way into a relationship with the University of Maryland School of Medicine, particularly the Department of Family Medicine. Just before coming to Loyola, I split my time between the Philosophy Department at University of Maryland Baltimore County and the Department of Family Medicine at the University of Maryland in Baltimore. The medical connection led to an article on ethics and geriatric medicine, and that evolved into a book on medical ethics and the elderly.

Once here in Chicago, I spent many years working with projects on the elderly, including nursing home work, as well as some 16 years doing various things with Children’s Memorial Hospital (primarily as a clinical ethics advisor and then as a member of the IRB).

AGSP:    So what brought you to Loyola University Chicago?

MW:     I joined Loyola in 1987, shortly after earning the PhD. I had done a dissertation in the history of ethics, but had developed a keen interest in applied ethics, especially bioethics. I guess you could say that ethics was my driving passion in philosophy. Loyola University was one of the few Philosophy Departments at that time that was truly committed to both ethical theory and what we called applied ethics. So that Jesuit commitment to ethics and justice as an institution winds up being a big part of why I wound up here at LUC. Applied ethics is now far more widely accepted and valued than it was in 1978, but LUC still holds a significant commitment to values teaching and inquiry, more so than many universities.

Justice Guy image

AGSP:    Tell us a bit about your primary areas of research.

MW:     My research has always been ethics. But it has been split between history of ethics, both about Plato and especially the 18th century, as well as applied ethics concerns.

With regards to the history of ethics, I have had a particular interest in how past philosophers understood what it meant to do moral philosophy. What exactly is the subject matter, and what is the appropriate methodology? For example, in the 18th century there was a concerted move to try to approach moral philosophy as analogous to the empirical sciences. Ethical theory should then be based upon “evidence” and should be cleanly intellectually organized, almost like Newtonian Physics. What then becomes of the relationship between the “is” and the “ought”?

As for the applied field, I have worked on a variety of projects in medical ethics and philosophy of medicine, including justice questions and clinical questions. But I have most consistently been interested in issues of ethics and aging, with medical and social issues in mind.

AGSP:    What is it like serving as Chair of the Department of Philosophy?

MW:     I quite like teaching, especially these days since I get to do so little of it. Most of my time at work is now spent in the role as Chairperson. There is lots that I quite dislike about that job—the spreadsheets, the endless reports, etc. On the other hand, it is a chance to do what I can to help nurture the department as a whole. So with my very limited power and resources, I try to figure out how I can best sustain morale and promote the kinds of commitment and activities that keep the department thriving and happy.

AGSP:    Thanks for your honesty. It is easy to imagine that interacting with students is more frequently rewarding than the everyday duties of serving as Chairperson, so let’s focus on teaching for a moment. What is the most important thing that you hope students take away from your classes?

MW:     For a recent Introductory course I taught (PHIL 181: Ethics), one student complained in the evaluations that I asked too many questions and did not lecture enough. My response when I read that was that I had messed up somehow—not that I had asked too many questions, but that somehow that particular student just didn’t get what my central aim for the course was. For those Core courses, I try to sensitize students to the variety of ethical challenges that they may face in their lives, and then to get them to appreciate how some philosophical skills can help them work their way through those challenges. That requires some “content,” of course, but it also requires some active commitment and practice on the part of the student.

The 300-level courses are, of course, a different sort of thing. Here undergraduates get to see what delving more deeply into an academic discipline can look like. And they get to stretch themselves in ways that they have not been intellectually challenged prior to becoming a Philosophy Major (or Minor).

Graduate education is, of course, much more about professionalization. Yes, there is a lot of subject matter to master, but there is also the crucially important goal of leading graduate students into truly appreciating scholarship and critical thought.

AGSP:    Let’s shift gears—how do you like to spend your time when you’re not doing philosophy (or filling out spreadsheets and reports)?

MW:     Well, there are those two books (and a few articles) in what we might call “applied aesthetics.” By that I mean the book on Scotch whisky and the one on Bourbon. And yes, I occasionally make wine, beer, and cider at home.

A label Dr. Waymack designed for one of his home-brewed beverages:

Hume label_Page_1 (2)

But I did pick up bagpipe lessons starting five years ago, and I try to spend about five hours a week working at that. It’s exercise, it’s relaxing, but it still requires some brain-work. And yes, most summers I now attend about five Highland festivals and participate in the solo bagpiping competitions.

AGSP:    Your home brews are quite popular at Department events, and we got to enjoy the sounds of the bagpipes floating over Lake Michigan at the beginning of the year barbecue. Thanks for sharing your skills with us! Thanks also for your time to help initiate our series of faculty profiles by answering these questions. In conclusion, what is one thing that you wish everyone knew about you?

MW:     I do wear many hats, so I am not certain there is much that I really want “everyone” to know about me!

I did grow up in the 1960s in the South. So my speech cadence can be a bit slower than is the norm around here, which sometimes unsettles people talking to me. I am not one prone to filling space with a constant stream of chit chat; so I am comfortable with stretches of quiet, which also unsettles some people. And I am generally not inclined to dictate judgment to other people. There are few things in life less well-received than unsolicited advice.

Unfortunately, those character traits are sometimes read as signs of arrogance or aloofness, which I don’t think is the “real” me.

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Special Event!

Join us for a two-part event this Wednesday, January 14, sponsored by the Philosophy Department at Loyola University Chicago. The entire event will take place in Crown Center 530.

Part I, 3:00-4:30 p.m.: A Conversation with Kyle Thomsen

Kyle is a recent graduate from the Ph.D. program, and he will answer questions about job placements, the interviewing process, and life after graduation. All graduate students are encouraged to attend.

Part II, 4:30-7:00 p.m.: Happy Hour

Dr. Thomsen will join us for a department social. Drinks and snacks will be provided. All faculty and graduate students are welcome.

Spring 2015 Activity Groups

Happy New Year!

Here is a list of groups that people have mentioned are planning to run this semester. If you know of any others, please feel free to pass them along!

-French Translation Group (Merleau-Ponty’s SIGNES)
Contact Corbin at

-Metaethics Reading Group (various articles)
Contact Dave at

-Hermeneutics Reading Group (Bernstein’s BEYOND OBJECTIVISM AND RELATIVISM)
Contact Allan at

-Heidegger Reading Group (BEING AND TIME, perhaps some later essays)
Contact Corbin at

-Writing Group
Contact Rebecca at

If you are interested in a German Translation Group or an Instructors’ Support Group (where grad students who are teaching can share ideas, discuss challenges, and develop their portfolios–perhaps meeting every 2-3 weeks), contact Corbin at There are no plans currently to run these groups unless enough interest is indicated.

Looking to the New Year…

Fall 2014 is finished–congrats for making it through a little wiser!

New events and content are coming in 2015. In the meantime, start thinking about the activities you would like to see take place during the spring term. If you have an idea for a reading or translation group, or some other activity, please e-mail Corbin at

The Finals Push

Just two weeks left until Finals! It has been a good semester of colloquia, workshops, service, and activity. Thanks to all for their hard work and participation!

Good luck to everyone as they wind down the term and look forward to the break. In your “spare” time, if you have suggestions for reading groups or other activities for the spring, please contact Corbin Casarez at so he can compile a list and advertise the opportunities in January.

More PRG Events!

Join the Phenomenology Research Group for these upcoming events:



Two Upcoming Kant Talks at Loyola

Loyola University Chicago is excited to welcome Karin de Boer (University of Leuven) and Lisa Shabel (Ohio State University) for fall colloquia. Each scholar will examine a different element of Kant’s Critique of Pure Reason. See the flyers below for details.


Colloquium de Boer 10 30 2014


Shabel Colloquium 11 05 2014



Loyola/Marquette Phenomenology Workshop

Congratulations, Loyola Graduate Students!

The Graduate School Quarterly recently acknowledged these successes by the graduate students and alumni of Loyola’s Department of Philosophy:

Graduate School Research Symposium (April 12, 2014), Best Paper in Interdisciplinary Methods Paper Session:
-Asaf Bar-Tura: Is the Internet bad for Social Justice and Democracy?

Summer Research Mentoring Program Fellowship (Summer 2014)
-Michael Gutierrez

-Corbin Casarez. Vulnerability, Addiction, and Recovery. The University of Virginia Press. November 2014.
-Matthew Kelsey. Kant’s Diagnosis of Unity of Skepticism. Philosophers’ Imprint. May 2014.

-Albert Bertozzi. One year full-time position at Loyola University, Chicago.
-Mark Bourgeois. Three-year post-doc. Reilly Center for Science and Technology and Values at Notre Dame University. Notre Dame, IN. August 2014.
-Christina Drogalis. Academic Year Lecturer. Santa Clara University. Santa Clara, CA. August 2014.
-Bryan Kibbe. 2-year postdoctoral fellow in advanced bioethics. Cleveland Clinic. Cleveland, Ohio. August 2014.
-Maria Kulp. Assistant Professor of Philosophy. Notre Dame University of Maryland. Baltimore, MD. August 2014.
-Maggie Labinski. Assistant Professor. Fairfield University. Fairfield, CT. August 2014.
-Leila Shooshani. Director of Audience Development and Operations.  Tikkun. Berkeley, CA. June 2014.
-Kyle Thomsen. Assistant Professor. St. Francis University. Loretto, PA. August 2014.

Conference Presentations
-Mike Gutierrez. A Phenomenology of Weather Forecasting. EPTC (Existential and Phenomenological Theory and Culture). Brock University (Canada). May 2014.

Upcoming PRG Event

The Phenomenology Research Group (PRG) will be hosting its next research seminar on Friday, September 26.

Join us as Janna van Grunsven, from The New School, presents her work on “The Moral Perception of Autonomous Agents–An Enactive Contribution to Moral Psychology.”

Time and Location TBA.

Edit: This seminar will take place at 1:00 p.m. in Cuneo 111.

How to Get Involved

Yesterday inaugurated the new semester, highlighted with the Welcome Barbeque. It’s great to see the campus return to life, and to see new and familiar faces.

There are many ways to be involved in the life of the Department this semester. Many of you are taking classes, teaching classes, and working as teaching and research assistants. There are also several extracurricular ways to interact with your colleagues. Here are a few:

-The Association for Graduate Students in Philosophy (AGSP): This is your graduate student organization for advocacy, resources, and input. Contact AGSP President Thomas Bretz with questions or suggestions at

-Writing Group: This is a great way to get feedback on projects in progress. Each week, various students present their work and engage in follow-up discussion. For more details, contact Rebecca Scott at

-Translation Groups: These are not instructional groups, but they do provide opportunities for students to keep their language skills fresh (or to break the rust off). All skill levels are welcome to participate. For French or German, contact Corbin Casarez at

-Reading Groups: Several groups have formed to tackle specific texts or topics. For each group, contact the designated person for more information. Levinas – Rebecca Scott (; Metaethics – David Atenasio (; Gadamer – Corbin Casarez (

-Mid-week Social: Informal gatherings happen all the time, so keep your ears perked for the latest buzz. There will be an attempt to have a regular social night on Wednesdays for those wishing to break up the week. A regular meeting place will be established soon; if you would like to keep in the loop, please e-mail Corbin Casarez at

Information about upcoming colloquia and other opportunities will be advertised as those events approach. If you have a relevant event or activity to promote, please contact Corbin Casarez at

Graduate Student Welcome Barbeque

JPGforBBQBBQ Sign August 25th 2014


Fall Activity Groups for Loyola Graduate Students

In preparation for the fall semester, we asked for suggestions of activity groups. Here is a list of those suggestions, as well as the contact person for that group. Note that some groups may or may not run, depending on how much interest is shown, so it is better to indicate your interest now and drop later than to reserve your voice now and then try to join later. Please e-mail the contact person for the groups in which you are interested by Friday, August 22; groups which generate enough interest to run will be announced via the AGSP listserv and the Philosophy Orientation on Monday, August 25.

Reading Groups

Agamben (text TBD), Jake Nabasny (

Analytic Metaethics (articles TBA), Dave Atenasio (

Derrida (text TBD), Jake Nabasny (

Gadamer (Truth and Method, starting at II.4.2), Corbin Casarez (

Heidegger (Being and Time), Corbin Casarez (

Hermeneutics (text TBD, maybe Rorty or Ricoeur), Allan Breedlove (

Levinas (text TBD), Rebecca Scott (

Translation Groups

French, Corbin Casarez (

German, Corbin Casarez (

(note: there is a Greek class on Friday evenings that grad students can sit in on with faculty permission)


Writing Group, Rebecca Scott (

Contemporary Research Group (may not run), Dave Atenasio (

Novice Sports (basketball, wiffleball, soccer, etc.), Corbin Casarez (