Three Ways to Increase Student Belonging in Online Courses


We often talk about persistence and retention in higher education, and for good reason–they are two of the leading indicators that we are achieving our central mission. While attention to how diversity, equity, and inclusion can help us achieve these goals, we should consider belonging more directly as a crucial factor in student success and enrollment. A sense of belonging speaks to a fundamental human need to be a legitimate and valued member of a community, and it can be more difficult to achieve for marginalized students and, at times, for those in online classes. In this post we outline a few key strategies that can be integrated into online educational settings and why promoting a greater sense of belonging for individual students will aid in student retention and persistence at LUC.

Why add belonging to course design?

As individuals, we have an innate desire to find community and belonging in whatever setting we find ourselves in, but there is a risk that marginalized students might not perceive that they belong at the institution and feel that many DEI initiatives are only for show despite the institution’s best intentions. For that reason, we need to take initiatives a step further by incorporating belonging and building community in our online courses. This is especially important since feeling like being in the out-group or isolated from a community has harsh ramifications for student wellness, which in turn can result in students leaving institutions. Students who do not form a sense of belonging can develop anxiety or depression, as well as feelings of jealousy towards students who do seem to fit into the university community, especially if preference is given to those who uphold the status quo.

The existence of a support system for students where they feel accepted and valued can decrease stress when students face adversity. The following are interventions that incorporate a degree of community building and creating a sense of belonging. Some of these suggestions already exist in online courses, while others are interventions that are gaining popularity in response to the growing interest in online course options.

Communicate expectations and support

In his interview with APA’s Speaking of Psychology, Geoffrey Cohen, PhD, outlines how addressing students’ desire for belonging and community can mitigate achievement gaps, imposter syndrome, and feelings of being an outsider. He discusses how clearly communicating expected standards and belief in a student’s potential can change how a student approaches their work, revisions, and even their relationship with instructors in building trust. Some examples of how to do so in your course are:

  • Giving feedback that acknowledges the student’s progress in the course, and how their efforts will help them move forward in the program and in practice.
  • Reassure students that hurdles in learning are opportunities for growth and that everyone encounters such challenges in their work.
  • Include multiple channels through which students can reach out to their instructors or classmates if they have questions about content.

    Build belonging into your Zoom Sessions

    Transitioning to higher education from high school typically involves forging new connections during the initial weeks of class and embarking on a distinct phase of adulthood beyond the K-12 experience. These connections serve as the bedrock for establishing a sense of community and belonging throughout college. The disruption of this traditional rite of passage for many students during the pandemic resulted in a focus on adapting to online instruction and engaging with peers through a screen which may have resulted in disengagement during lectures or feelings of isolation. While the return to campus has alleviated some of these feelings, online lectures remain a prevalent format due to their accessibility. To counter disengagement and nurture a sense of belonging, instructors can consider incorporating additional opportunities for interaction within online lectures beyond group work. Some suggested ways of creating spaces for interaction to foster feelings of belonging include:

  • Creating a “watercooler” space for students to engage in 15 minutes prior to a synchronous lecture session start
  • Plan to stay online after a Zoom lecture has wrapped up so students can ask questions that they might not have felt comfortable bringing up in front of other students. If the queue of students sticking around gets unmanageable, you can utilize the waiting room function in Zoom.
  • When utilizing breakout rooms for group discussions, decide between keeping students in the same groups so they can build relationships and a group identity over the course of the term, or randomizing students so every student can interact with a different set of people to decrease the chance of forming biases.

    Create spaces for collaboration

    Despite the longstanding presence of open-source learning, its adoption has not matched the potential benefits demonstrated by research. Contributing to a community of shared knowledge encourages students to invest in their peers’ learning while simultaneously benefiting from the information their peers share in return. Mutual exchange also acts to level the playing field when students can agree on standard knowledge as a community. This collaborative approach not only enhances students’ educational experiences but also instills a profound sense of belonging within the classroom.

  • Suggest ways that students can utilize shared documents and media for collaborative notetaking and study guides, such as a shared document in SharePoint or utilizing a shared notebook in OneNote.
  • Assign a reflection project where students can create media to address future students of the course. These can be saved in a folder in Panopto that can then be shared out to future cohorts of students.
  • Construct a repository of student papers that students can reference for different writing approaches or arguments for writing assignments using the Resouces tool in Sakai.


    If you would like to learn more about belonging or DEI in general at LUC, visit the following resources.

  • The Faculty Center for Ignatian Pedagogy (FCIP) provides resources and programs around anti-racist pedagogy
  • The Office of Institutional Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion offers workshops and training courses on DEIB
  • Table on strategies for facilitating belonging in Zoom lectures: Tice, D., Baumeister, R., Crawford, J., Allen, K., & Percy, A. (2021). Student belongingness in higher education: Lessons for Professors from the COVID-19 pandemic. Journal of University Teaching & Learning Practice, 18(4).
  • For assistance with implementing OERs in your course, please contact Annette Alvarado, the Lewis librarian specializes in OER