Day in the Life of a 1L: Erica Taschler

The first semester of law school is a defining experience for which no amount of advice or prep books can fully prepare you. Being successful in law school requires more than learning your course materials. You must format a study schedule that fits your own needs and strengths. During the first two weeks, I tossed my old studying habits aside and tried different approaches. However, none of those approaches felt right or effective.  I finally realized that my old study habits, starting homework early in the day, and working in the library remained the best study approaches for me.

As a morning person, here is an example of a typical day during the semester:

8:30 a.m.: Arrive on campus, coffee in hand, and head straight to the library in order to review material for the day or to read material for later in the week.

10:00-12:00 p.m.: Attend class and stay afterwards to discuss any questions with the professor.

12:00 p.m.: Grab some much needed lunch, either from home, or from one of the several restaurants around campus.  Also, Loyola hosts many law events on campus during lunch time that provide food. These events offer opportunities to learn about different law practices or alumni experiences and they are a great way to meet students with similar interests.

12:30-2:00 p.m.: Head back to the library and continue reading or working on outlines before the afternoon class or go to a tutor’s office hours. Tutors are 2Ls or 3Ls who are assigned to each 1L course to help students with any questions regarding the course material. The tutors are excellent resources for understanding each course and for general advice regarding the first year of law school.

2:00-4:00 p.m.: Attend class.

4:00-6:00 p.m.: Go to the library to finish any assignments for the next day and to work on outlines.

Rest of the evening: Head back home to eat dinner, call family or friends, and occasionally catch up on a favorite TV show. Many days require more time be spent on homework, but taking a break every now and then is essential to avoid burning yourself out!

Again, each student has his or her own approach to law school. The best advice I can give you is to start reflecting now and figure out a study schedule that works best for you. It will help relieve some of the stress of law school and give you more confidence in your work!

Erica Taschler, 1L

Erica T

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