Beat the Midterm Madness, Unwind with LUCent

Midterms are over so take a deep breath because we’ve reached the halfway point. Letting go of that unwanted stress can be pricey. Can’t afford to treat yo self this week? We asked Loyola students how they relax after exams without spending their savings

Go to the gym. Not only is it good for your physical health, your mental health will thank you too. Lakeshore and Water Tower campuses both have accessible equipment rooms. Ned B. visits Halas regularly because of the amazing resources and did we mention it’s free to all undergrads?

Ned B. spends time in Halas to let off steam.

Join a watch party. Tom S. settled in to watch the Cubs bring home the gold at the 2016 World Series. Hitting the lounge room with friends will definitely take your mind off those haunting essay questions. The Damen theater also shows blockbuster movies on weekends!

Tom S. heads to the lounge to catch up on all sports events.

Declutter your space. Cleaning out your room can be extremely therapeutic. Your focus will sharpen when your space is tidy. Elizabeth B. always makes sure she and her roommate are on top of their chores to create that fresh environment. 



Cook it out. Taco Bell and the Damen cafeteria may be ruining your life (and body) but websites like Supercook & MyFridgeFood give you immediate recipes using ingredients you already have in your kitchen. Gather your roommates and split the grocery bill, just in time to make a Thanksgiving feast. 


Soften your environment and make a playlist. You’ll feel organized and relaxed when you categorize your favorite tunes. Try turning off the artificial lights and lighting candles to calm yourself down. Spotify and Apple Music both have student discounts so you’ll have music ready for every mood and occasion. 


Have you managed to achieve a balance between classes, studying, and social events? Let us know your tips and tricks to becoming a calmer student this exam season in the comments below!

4 thoughts on “Beat the Midterm Madness, Unwind with LUCent

  1. We appreciate your feedback, Ned! Check out our other posts to stay up to date on the latest money-saving tips!

  2. That’s the spirit, Val! Don’t forget to visit our Twitter & Facebook for other ways to relax and save money around campus.

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