
Residents and pictures by year.


https://ia800501.us.archive.org/21/items/loyolan1970unse/loyolan1970unse.pdf p. 104-05 no list of names

BROWN, JOACHIM J. LaGrange, Illinois B.A. Gonzaga Hall Social Chairman 2. House Council 2,3, Assistant Manager 3, Phoenix 4

HAEFLINGER, CHARLES S. Chicago, Illinois B.S. Psychology Club 1, TKE Ugly Man 4, Phoenix 4, Rangers 1,2, Gold Torch 1,2,3, Co-Chairman, Intercollegiate Football 2,3,4, Torch 2,3,4, Co-chairman for CARE fund drive 3, Scabbard and Blade Plebemaster 3,4, Cochairman Red Cross Hemophelia Blood Drive 3,4, Distinguished Military Graduate, Gonzaga Hall House Council, Social Chairman, S.A.B. delegate

HARROLD, FRANK Speedway. Indiana B.A. Honors Council 2, Gonzaga Hall Secretary 2, Ass’t Treasurer 3, Phoenix 4, Chardin Anthropological Society 1,2,3,4


PISANI. MICHAEL J. Chicago. Illinois B.S  Gonzaga House Council 2.3.4. Social Chairman 3. Floor Manager 2,3. W.L.U.C. 2. Phoenix 4.


WALSH, ROBERT Chicago. Illinois B.A. Gonzaga athletic director 3, Loyola Men 1,2.



Names written on a door, mostly G-Hall names? P. 165 https://ia800500.us.archive.org/18/items/loyolan1971unse/loyolan1971unse.pdf

https://archive.org/stream/loyolan1971unse#page/162/mode/2up/search/gonzaga p. 163

p. 308 – g_hall t-shirt


Nice write up: p. 236  https://archive.org/stream/loyolan1972unse#page/236/mode/2up/search/gonzaga

Gonzaga Hall

Father Hayes really didn’t know what he was doing when he founded Gonzaga Hall as a student-run retreat house a number of years ago. The two buildings at 6235 N. Kenmore have become a unique residence experience, something that the University Housing Office calls experimental because they don’t quite know what to make of it.

But the men who live at Gonzaga know what to make of it — they’d better, because they run the Hall completely on their own. The residents decide who their director will be each year. They prepare their own meals, do their own dishes, clean up their own garbage, make their own rules. And they have a lot of fun doing it.

You must have two letters of recommendation and a personal interview to become one of the 65 residents, mainly to prove that you are responsible enough to take care of yourself and willing to do your share of the work expected of every man. It’s not difficult, but part of the life of the Hall is working together.

Another, more important part, is playing together. House Parties, exchanges, exorcisms, O’s Casino, the House Risk game. Circle J, Lost Cause, Lance’s mother at the football rallies, Gonzaga Beach, the Townhouse Turtleheads, pouring concrete (!), Yak-Zies for cocktail Hour, and many other official and traditional activities are participated in fully by the residents. And athletics must not be left out of the picture — Gonzaga fields 5 intramural basketball teams, a championship football team, and all other sports in Loyola competition.

Gonzaga has been the home of a disproportionately large number of Loyola’s student leaders over the years, and it is no mystery why this is so. The brotherhood, the spirit of unity in the residents, complemented by the responsibility that each man has toward his fellow residents, naturally develops self-confidence and leadership. As one of the recent House officers has said, “If a guy isn’t a leader, if he can’t accept responsibility in the first place, then he doesn’t belong here. Pride is the thing that really keeps us going.”



no list of names

Tom Gannon: https://archive.org/stream/loyolan1973unse#page/64/mode/2up



Gonzaga Hall is a unique concept in dormitory living, adding a unique dimension to student life at Loyola. Founded in 1961 by Father Donald Hayes, S.J. and 11 concerned Loyola undergraduates, Gonzaga set out on its career of service to others. Originally a retreat house for Loyola students and groups from the Chicago area, Gonzaga prospered and expanded under Father Hayes’ guidance. Gonzaga acquired the first of its twin three-flats in 1963 and the second one in ’65. The Hall is now able to accommodate some 70 students. Gonzaga is an exclusively student-operated residence where every member is expected to con- tribute some time to the maintenance and functioning processes of the building. The necessity of working together is complemented by a spirit of enjoyable social interaction and a high degree of membership participation in all social functions as well as in athletic activities.




The 1975-76 school year marked the return of Father Donald Hayes, S. J., as Gonzaga’s director after a seven-year absence. Gonzaga thus came under the direction of Campus Ministry. An open house in October allowed G-men to get to know their neighbors. Gonzaga also sponsored open University “mixers” twice each semester. One of the biggest projects, the annual Christmas Tree Sale netted over $1150 for charity. Gonzaga House parties are semi- formal with live music. For the President’s Ball this year, Gonzaga held a cocktail hour before boar- ding a bus for the Sheraton- O’Hare. When the group returned, gourmet chef Gary Summers presented, Chateaubriand as a highlight for the occasion.




No list

A picture of Randy Roberts? https://archive.org/stream/loyolan1977unse#page/144/mode/2up




Sources https://ia600501.us.archive.org/14/items/loyolan1978unse/loyolan1978unse.pdf p. 44 pdf 48, 172 (176 on pdf)


1979 Loyolan: https://archive.org/stream/loyolan1979unse#page/90/mode/2up


Gonzaga Hall Gonzaga Hall has been the home for fifty-five men this year, and is a unique living experience. Our primary objectives are three-fold. They are: (1) to foster academic excellence and integrity. (2) to expand Christian spiritual horizons, and (3) to promote social maturity. In our home atmosphere, deeply rooted and lasting friendships are made that help to gain a sense of community at the Hall. We are proud to participate in Loyola University sponsored events and activities, and Gonzaga has proven to be an instrumental tool in building the Loyola University as a whole.

1975 yearbook





1976 yearbook1976_loyolan_pics_numbered

1977 yearbook









1979 yearbook


