The GoGlobal Blog


Photo Studio Bananza

Photo Studio Bananza

September 29, 2013 PHOTO STUDIO BANANZA   Today was an eventful day. My fantastic tutor and friend, Brook, and I started by going out  to a Photo Studio. I’ve been wanting to take photos at a Studio in China because they always look  amazing. They do your hair and makeup for every outfit you try on. …

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Sushi makes the World go Round

Sushi makes the World go Round

September 29, 2013 SUSHI MAKES THE WORLD GO ROUND Location: Pingting Japanese Restaurant 坪亭铁板烧日本料理       Haidian District Branch: Line 10 Suzhoujie  Cost: 198 RMB for Unlimited Sushi, Maki Rolls, Steaks,  Noodles, Desserts, Drinks, and Rice plates (higher places include more sushi 20-40 RMB for an entree of noodles and rice                choices) The …

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The London Life

The London Life

I’ve been in London for two weeks now, and I can easily say they’ve been two of the most incredible weeks of my life. Surprisingly, London reminds me a lot of Chicago. There’s a river running through the middle of the city, the tube is just like the El, and I live in a nice …

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Papa Francesco

Papa Francesco

On wednesday I had the priviledge of attending a Papal Audience with at least 50,000 other people who had travelled from all over the world to see Papa Francesco. Even though the Pope didn’t speak until 1030, we got up at 630 to head to the Vatican so that we could get good seats and …

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Napoli e Sorrento

Napoli e Sorrento

This past weekend I was fortunate enough to travel to Naples and Sorrento with a few of my girlfriends. Considering we planned this trip 2 days before we left, and that none of us really have much knowledge on the ever confusing Italian transportation system, we were incredibly lucky with our travels. We started our …

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Ever since I can remember, I’ve wanted to go to China. From pictures of the Great Wall to watching Mulan about a million times, I was determined to one day stay in China for a few months. I’d heard wonderful stories from Chinese friends since Elementary school. Be it learning the language of a billion …

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“Bibelot” – Week IV

“Bibelot” – Week IV

“Bibelot” : a small object of curiosity, beauty, or rarity. This past weekend I went on my first study trip. I use the word “bibelot” here to describe this trip because I never would have thought I would have the experiences that I had there, during my semester in Italy. SLA Chandni (further known as …

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“Theurgy” – Week III

“Theurgy” – Week III

“Theurgy” : the working of a divine or supernatural agency in human affairs. I felt this word was appropriate for Week III seeing as JFRC organized a phenomenal mass at the St. Ignatius Church in downtown Rome for all of us students. Although I come from a religious background, having been a Lutheran since baptism …

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An Umbrian Getaway

An Umbrian Getaway

This past weekend, the JFRC facilitated a class-wide trip to Umbria, the literal heart of Italy. Situated just west of Rome, Umbria is by far one of the most rustic and authentic Italian places I have been.   I’ll give a basic rundown of the trip because quite honestly, my words cannot describe the antiquity and …

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