The GoGlobal Blog




Small Street right outside Campus West Gate

Ever since I can remember, I’ve wanted to go to China. From pictures of the Great Wall to watching Mulan about a million times, I was determined to one day stay in China for a few months. I’d heard wonderful stories from Chinese friends since Elementary school. Be it learning the language of a billion people, embedding myself in the culture that holds thousands of years of history, or living in the country with one of the fastest growing economies in the world, I was determined to see a country that is sure to be one of the most influential components of this worlds future. I cannot even believe this is real. Honestly. But I’ve been enjoying every minute, and have fallen in love with China.

About Me and the Semester to come:
I am studying abroad at The Beijing Center and am a current Loyola Student, a Junior to be specific, with Molecular Biology and French as my two majors.
I am studying in China for Fall Semester 2013 at University of International Business and Economics Campus.
I am ridiculously passionate about traveling and learning new languages and cultures.


Let the adventures begin!!!

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