The GoGlobal Blog


Bucket List South Africa Edition

Bucket List South Africa Edition

When travelling somewhere new and exciting I always say that making a list of what you want to do helps. There is always so much to do and there is rarely enough time….unless you happen to be in one place for about 5 months. Which, it just so happens, is the situation I am in! …

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China: Yak Style

China: Yak Style

Our trip has finally calmed down enough for me to get to sit down and blog and sleep (!!) and think about what I’m actually doing aka studying abroad for 4 months. Yesterday was by far the most “zen” and top 10 days that I’ve had in my life ever which is why it gets …

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Hi it’s me. Literally one week ago I boarded a plane to China and since then I’ve been going nonstop. Currently, I’m sitting in the middle of  Tibet, 5 days into our 13 day trip to follow the Silk Road route. To say coming to China would be a culture shock is an understatement, but …

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Storm Cell Sunrise

Storm Cell Sunrise

  I’ve settled into a habit of falling asleep at earlier and earlier times. My usual frame of a 1am-2am knockout has turned into a 9pm-10pm drift-off. While this is an advantageous thing on most fronts — after all, I’ll be needing to account for a seven hour time difference soon — it means I’m often asleep long …

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Am I doing this right?

Am I doing this right?

Am I prepared? Have I done enough research on local culture? Am I bringing the right shoes? Should I have used a different bank? With only one week left until I leave for four months in London I’m wondering if I prepared correctly. With so many thoughts swirling my head it’s hard to focus on actually …

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Ready, Set, Don’t Go

Ready, Set, Don’t Go

Growing up in a family where a family road trip every summer was the norm and a “vacation” day or two, crammed with activities from museums to presidential libraries, was added to any out of town baseball game, tennis tournament, dance competition or college visit, I guess you could say the travel bug bit me …

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Ten Days till Vietnam!

Ten Days till Vietnam!

It’s around 5am in Chiang Mai. I’ve been up for the past two hours listening to the pitter-patter of monsoon rain as it falls on the green plastic roof of our guesthouse. This first blogpost has to happen eventually so it may as well happen now – in the dark on a moist chair cushion outside my room.   …

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Endless Summer 2016

Endless Summer 2016

At least that’s what it feels like anyways. I am standing over the precipice, looking down, ready to take the step forward, the step that will plummet me into a colossal life experience that will forever shape part of who I am. I cannot begin to explain how blessed I feel to have this experience. …

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Conquering Your Emotions

Conquering Your Emotions

Buongiorno a tutti (Good morning everyone)! My first post, yay!!! (Un)fortunately, Bachelorette mania is over. *SPOILER: The guy I picked to win, whom was also my favorite since the beginning, won- aka Jordan! I’m starting to think I have a real talent for this sort of thing. Also, Chase for #TheBachelor, amirite??*  Now, with my attention no …

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