The GoGlobal Blog


Getting settled.

Getting settled.

    I have been in Sweden for about two weeks now and have been loving it so far. Sweden is a wonderful place to be a student. Being able to meet international students and learning their cultures and customs has been a highlight so far. I live in an single dorm room, but share …

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As It Was in the Beginning

As It Was in the Beginning

Is now and ever shall be, world without end. Amen. A group of women standing behind me recited these words as they prayed the rosary. At 6:45 a.m., they were just a few of the hundreds of thousands gathered to celebrate the canonization of Mother Teresa of Calcutta. These words caught my attention as I …

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Have you ever cried into a muffin? Because I have. It’s not that studying abroad isn’t great. It’s great. Returning home is going to happen too fast, too soon, and I can feel it sneaking up on me. Yet, I cried into a muffin today. First thing is first, let’s describe this muffin. It is …

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Xin Chao!

Xin Chao!

One week ago, I arrived in Ho Chi Minh City, fully unpacking my backpack for the first time. It was a surreal experience, but one that had to take place eventually. I had grown to love living out of my pack, even if it meant sometimes (or always) wearing a wrinkled t-shirt or getting frustrated …

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Reflecting on the Silk Road Trip

Reflecting on the Silk Road Trip

Now, you must be wondering what the Silk Road trip is. The Silk Road is a historical trade route between China and Eastern Europe where Chinese silk made up a significant part of the trade. The route ran along many different cities in China and the middle east but since The Beijing Center planned this …

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Today is the Day!

Today is the Day!

Here I am on Tuesday, August 30th 2016. With my suitcase (weighing less than 50 lbs. yay!) and my backpack. I thought that I would be very nervous about this day. Saying “see you later” to family and friends is always difficult, but today feels like a normal day. Odd enough, I feel prepared to …

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It’ll Be Okay

It’ll Be Okay

I found myself repeating this phrase over and over in my head as I laid on my bed trying to fight back tears. Only forty-eight hours until I would step on a plane and begin my 16-week adventure in Rome, Italy, and these words were my attempt to control my emotions. I don’t know why I …

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Ni Hao! I am officially arrived in Ho Chi Minh City after spending six days in China. China was amazing. Very crowded and very hot, but still amazing. The first day (August 17), I arrived in Shanghai after my 15 hour flight, met up with Trenton (my friend from high school) and we caught an …

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