The GoGlobal Blog


Wow! First real post!

Wow! First real post!

I’ve been in Ireland for almost a week and I think I’m finally beginning to settle in. I got picked up at the airport in a group of study abroad students by the DCU bus when I first arrived. The driver was really friendly and I have to admit to my surprise that the whole …

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Meet the Johnson’s

Meet the Johnson’s

So I moved in with my host family a few days ago. To help protect their anonymity I’m giving them ironic American names. There’s George, the father, Rachel, the mother, Billy-Ray, 11, Max, 10, Elizabeth, 6, and of course little Hannah Montana, 4. The house itself is mostly outside, surrounded by large cement walls. Then there’s …

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As my Facebook homepage becomes bombarded with Chicago “Snowcalypse” pictures and my roommates tell me about their hibernation into our ground level apartment complete with tea and incense burning I can’t help but feel a little jealous I’m missing out on Loyola’s snow day.  However my jealousy faded while remembering the past weekend and the …

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Welcome to Oman

Welcome to Oman

Ahlan wa Sahlan! I’ve been in Oman for three days now, and it is something else. This past summer I spent a month in France with a Loyola study abroad program. After my time here, I can say that I feel more welcome in Oman than I ever did in France. Everyone is here is …

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I haven’t left yet!

I haven’t left yet!

I’m still in Missouri waiting for my semester in Ireland to start. I’m not looking forward to the 16 inches of snow that is supposed to start falling an hour before my flight leaves on Tuesday. Hopefully I’ll be able to get out of here on time. I’ll write more when I get there.

Pura Vida!

Pura Vida!

Hola amigos, As I sit on the balcony of my school in Puntarenas, Costa Rica which overlooks the Pacific Ocean I decided that now is better than ever to start my study abroad blog.  I’ve been here for a little over a week now and feel like I’ve adapted to the way of life pretty …

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Hit the Ground Running

Hit the Ground Running

After a good night sleep post 3 5 hour energy drinks (and others…) and 20 hours of continual flight across the world wide awake, I was ready to hit the ground running in Vietnam! I woke my roommate and we ventured out of the dorm into the streets. The night before they had been dormant …

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I can feel it!

I can feel it!

It is not too often that someone can say “In four days I will be over 7,200 miles away from my current location, in a foreign culture where I barely speak the language” but when it can be said, it’s definitely a wake-up call. Especially for me, who has spent most of the past two …

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Chilean Besos

Chilean Besos

Hola, amigos! I am very excited to share my experiences with all of you back in Chicago. I have been in Santiago, Chile for exactly one week. It has been a crazy 7 days!! I have never felt so excited and so scared at the same time. I think everyone needs to feel these emotions …

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