The GoGlobal Blog


Wow! First real post!

Wow! First real post!

I’ve been in Ireland for almost a week and I think I’m finally beginning to settle in. I got picked up at the airport in a group of study abroad students by the DCU bus when I first arrived. The driver was really friendly and I have to admit to my surprise that the whole driving on the left side of the road thing kind of a freaked me out. The bus driver dropped off our group at Shanowen Hall. We were greeted by…no one. There was an empty office that didn’t open until 10 and the dorms were almost completely dead because all of the students were still on holiday. Sooo we waited. And waited. And waited. We waited for an hour and a half with giant suitcases outside the empty office. The wait wasn’t too bad. I got to know some of the IES students pretty well. We are all American and it turns out that two of the girls were assigned to live with my friend from Loyola. Finally 10:00 rolled around. Management arrived! They informed us that, actually, we waited and waited and waited at the wrong place. The place we were staying at was about 100 feet away on the other side of a wall. Sweeeeeet. Haha. We made our way over to Shanowen SQUARE and settled in to our rooms.

Campus here has some differences from Loyola that are taking time to get used to. My apartment has 5 girls living in it. We each have our own room with a desk, closet, bed, and bathroom. We share a kitchen and living area. It’s massive. I love it. There is also a bar on campus in the student Hub. It was a pretty wild concept for me at first. Public transportation is 1.60 Euro (I don’t know how to type the euro symbol yet.) each way. And the buses stop running at 11:30 pm. I miss my UPass.

I saw the Book of Kells at Trinity college. It was gorgeous. I didn’t even know what the Book of Kells was until my mom insisted that I visit it when I got here.

I love it here so far, the sky has been blue  the past couple of days and I’m in the process of planning a shopping trip and an adventure to the Cliffs of Moher!

Hopefully now that I have internet these posts will become more frequent!

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