The GoGlobal Blog


Nice to meet you Umbria

Nice to meet you Umbria

After the first week of school last week I was EXHAUSTED. And then the idea of taking a trip somewhere I had never heard of seemed crazy to me. Thankfully, I was able to catch up on sleep on the way to Umbria which is about 2.5 hours away from the JFRC.
When I woke up, I was surrounded by gorgeous scenery, miles of olive trees, and homes tucked away in the mountains. The sequence of events seemed to be something from a movie. Our first adventure was to a farm that was owned by a family in Passignano sul Trasimeno. There, my dream of immersing into Italian culture came true as we learned how to make pasta, harvest grapes, and work with legumes.

The next day we toured the historical town of Spoleto which felt like a third home afterwards. Then, the SLA’s (Student Life Assistants) spoiled us and outdid themselves AGAIN by planning a buffet style meal at Campello Sul Clitunno. Now: I am a foodie with a capital “F”, so just imagine how far my jaw dropped when we were given a HOMEMADE buffet style meal. So yes; I did stroll out of there extremely happy.

Campello Sul Clitunno lunch
Campello Sul Clitunno lunch

On the third day, we left for Todi to eat and then headed to Cascate delle Marmore to go on nature trails and see the waterfall. It was so fascinating to thing about how the waterfall got to be as grand as it is today. The plan was to walk to the top of the waterfall trail to look at the view. However, a heavy rainstorm stopped us halfway and we had to go back down. After 30 minutes of sitting on the bus wondering what the view from the top looked like, other people who waited out the storm to get to the top came back. Their pictures put mine to shame!

Waterfall at to Cascate delle Marmore in Todi
Waterfall at Cascate delle Marmore in Todi

It was such a fun weekend that I would LOVE to go back one day just when I need to escape the busy Roman life.

Looking over Spoleto
Looking over Spoleto
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