The GoGlobal Blog


Trying (unsuccessfully) not to panic

Trying (unsuccessfully) not to panic

I am, by nature, a very worried person. There is almost never a time when I am not completely stressed out about some aspect of my life. College itself is extremely stressful; any of you can agree that pulling frequent all-nighters and living off caffeine isn’t exactly the ideal lifestyle. Add studying abroad to the picture and you’re setting yourself up for a crazy stressful (and unforgettable) semester.

That being said, I cannot believe what I’m getting myself into. I’m about to be waaaay out of my comfort zone, but in a good way. In just 24 days, I will be boarding a plane at O’Hare, spending 9 hours in the sky, and landing in the beautiful city of Madrid, Spain. But, before I can enjoy the Spanish sun and sangria, I have a lot to accomplish.

Since my summer has consisted of me working 30+ hours a week, I have had very little time to even think about my upcoming semester abroad. My to-do list is a hopeless mess; I’m scribbling new tasks on it every day. My host family has neglected responding to any of my emails, I’m still on the waitlist for two of the classes I’m taking, and I have yet to pay my tuition (oops). I’m completely overwhelmed. Cue panic induced mental freakout.

Another thing I am completely unprepared for is spending an entire 4 months away from Loyola, the city I’m obsessed with, and all the people I love. I am already dreading the goodbyes. Last semester was my best one yet and my heart aches knowing I have to temporarily leave it all behind. I am very confident, however, that I will return in December ready to pick up right where I left off.

Throughout my time in Spain, I hope to update this blog at least once every two weeks. Not only will it be a great way for my family and friends to keep up with my adventures if they so wish, it will also serve as an outlet for my own thoughts and experiences as they happen. I am excited to see how my semester abroad will impact me and help me grow as an individual.

Thank you for taking the time to read my rambling and unorganized first post.

¡Hasta luego!

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