The GoGlobal Blog




I have successfully waited until the very last moment I could to write this final blog post. For weeks, I have been contemplating how I would face this last moment, and now that the time has come I still do not have the words to adequately express how I feel.

Vietnam has been such a wonderful host; graciously she showed me her culture, fed me, challenged me, surprised me, and made me sweat beyond comfort. No experience can rival the one I have been living for the past almost 4 months.

To Loyola: Thank you for providing me with such a great program, this is not an experience I would have been able to have otherwise.

To Loyola Vietnam: How sad it is that we were only able to spend so much time together. Without you, I would have fallen apart this semester.

To the kids: Our gang of 22 was such a mix of interesting people – it was such a pleasure to meet each and every one of you and get to know you in this bizarre, lovely country.

To my roommates: It’s been a wild ride, and I’m glad to have gone through it with you by my side.


Room 1210, out.

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