The GoGlobal Blog


Petanque et la Plage de Ste Croix

Petanque et la Plage de Ste Croix

Apres cours (after class) on Mardi and Mercredi our class took a few field trips…

The first mini adventure was to the Parc Jourdan in Aix, where we played a traditional french game called petanque:

In a very simple explanation of the game of petanque, a small “jack” (a small wooden ball usually) is thrown away from three players. The players, with two metal boules each, then take turns to try and throw their boule closest to the jack.

 The boule closest to the jack receives the most points and after a few rounds the individual who has the most points, wins the game!  

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The second adventure on Wednesday started with a 30+ minute bus ride…

Where we saw the lovely french country side

and random homes, on the drive to…

La Plage!



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