The GoGlobal Blog


Sale el Sol

Sale el Sol

Sale el Sol… Sunrise. Allora. My last night not only in Roma, Italia, but also in Europe. In a few hours, I will be on my way to the airport to fly to the US after a year abroad… I was doing great all day today. I went with Padre Al and Byran (another student here in Roma) to several churches and other places in Roma, several of which I had never been to. Then we met up with two amazing young gentleman: my friend Massimo and his best friend Alessandro. We had a wonderful dinner full of great conversations (all in Italiano), wonderful wine courtesy of Italia, and the best company in the city of Roma.

Then it hit me… I am leaving, truly leaving in a few short hours to return to Chicago and the US. It doesn’t seem real, or that this is possible. Where did this year go? Has everything I have done been real? How blessed and lucky I am to have seen what I have seen, done what I have done, and met the people I have met. From Germany to Poland to Denmark to Spain to Italy to Greece, I have met and made friends. While we will still keep in touch and will see each other again some day, it is just hard to think that we don’t know when or how… And that is what is hard about leaving.

I have come to love these countries, the friends I have made- my family here. I am excited to be going back to see my family there and my friends, but the idea of living in the US is unfathomable. It just is too foreign. Or the idea of people only speaking English. This is one of the few times today I have used English, and it is still odd to me.

With the end of dinner, Massimo and Alessandro took their leave to head home, and we took ours. It has been a perfect night-the weather has been warm, but not hot, nor cold. Perfect. We walked along the river from near Via del Corso to the Vatican. My last monument of Europe. Fitting no? It was there that I lost it and began bawling. I kept it together when we parted from Massimo, even if I was chocking up, but I kept it together. Then there was just something about the Vatican that just caused it all to collapse. So many memories, so many emotions… Dreams, wishes, desires… all in one moment. After the Vatican we walked to Old Bridge, which was my first Gelato in Roma, and now my last. Then it was back home where now I am going to finish packing the last few items, and then try to sleep a bit before the sunrise.

So, thank you, to all of my friends, from all over the world, who have made this year wonderful and the best year of my life. Danke. Grazie. Gracias. I wish I knew how to thank you properly, but for some things, all languages fall silent…



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