The GoGlobal Blog


Three Countries In Three Weeks

Three Countries In Three Weeks

Over the last three weeks I’ve checked London, Paris, and Barcelona off my list of destinations to visit while studying abroad, and it’s been an incredible time to say the least. I’m starting to gain a better understanding of different European cultures and the nuances that distinguish them from one another, and I’m excited to keep broadening my horizons during each weekend excursion. There are a few things that I picked up on while traveling to each city that I feel are important to note before going, and below you’ll find some tips, tricks, and suggestions on how to get the most out of your experience.



Paris was my favorite city yet, and spending Valentine’s Day there was really special. The Eiffel Tower is even more impressive than I expected, and it’s truly something I feel everyone studying abroad should get to see. Stay away from the food shops at its base – you’ll save about five Euro for the same Nutella crepe just outside the main crush of tourists. Make sure to take a walk to the Arc de Triomphe, and head down the Chans de Lise if you’re looking to get some shopping in. If hostels aren’t for you, take a look at the hotel options before you book an Air BnB. They’re normally less expensive and centrally located – I was able to find a place for about 100 Euro total for the weekend, which is not bad considering it was Valentine’s Day.


It’s glaringly apparent that the French are not very fond of Americans, especially when you eat in restaurants. Try your best to blend in, and keep the phones away during meals for the best service.


The Eiffel Tower in all its glory
The Eiffel Tower in all its glory



Barcelona has a few must see attractions for a weekend trip. The Segrada Familia was breathtaking, and even with scaffolding and cranes up due to its endless construction, it was a sight I’ll never forget. It’s best to purchase your tickets online before visiting, that way you can avoid the entrance lines (takes over an hour to get in).  Several of my friends attended the FC Barcelona game that weekend, and it sounded like a seriously fun time from what they described. Even if you’re not a soccer fan, it’s a cultural experience I would recommend (and wish I had done).

The tapas and sangria in Barcelona are an absolute must try, and you can’t go wrong with a few pitchers among good company. Local bars and clubs are a main focus in the area, and their pricing is manageable for college students on a budget if you do a little investigation on Yelp.


The front side of La Segrada Familia
The front side of La Segrada Familia



First and foremost, London is an incredibly expensive city. If you’re thinking of making the trip, be sure to pre plan and have your finances in order. Booking flights and accommodation well in advance will save you stress on the ground, and my friends and I learned the hard way on this one. Aside from the overall expense, London as a city is stunning. The architecture when lit up at night is beyond impressive, and the diverse nightlife gives you plenty of options to have a good time. The highlight for me was seeing the Wimbledon grounds. My friends and I had initially planned on just taking a look from the outside gates, but we were offered a tour for 10 Euro that gave us access to center court. I’ve never been an avid tennis follower, but the history and significance of the tournament made me appreciate each moment I was there. Once back in the city, I recommend taking a walk through Green Park on the way to Buckingham Palace, and then a stroll down Piccadilly Street. The atmosphere is similar to Times Square in New York, and if you’re lucky you’ll run in to the Chipotle in China Town (it’s better than America).


I’m learning a lot along the way during each weekend trip and growing accustomed to traveling internationally. This weekend I’ll be heading to Brussels, and plan on eating as many Belgian Waffles as I can while seeing what the city has to offer.


That’s all for now.



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