The GoGlobal Blog


Hola Amigos!

Hola Amigos!

Its been a couple of weeks since I settled here in Barcelona. From visiting Park Guell, Arc de Triomf, Las Ramblas, Plaza Espana, Montjuic, I feel like I still haven’t even explored half of Barcelona. I’ve been on unexpected graffiti tours, to going inside of some of Gaudi’s breathtaking architectural structures like Sagrada Familia, and Casa Milà ( La Pedrera), and exploring some of Barcelonas creative Caffe/bar locales. Barcelona offer infinite variety of activities. Absorbing all the culture that I can, i’ve been learning about things I would of never have imagined (like about how graffiti art has so much meaning and significance to the artists). With time going by so fast, I can only go on for the ride and enjoy as much as I can of it.

Till next time


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