The GoGlobal Blog


Que pereza! My time in Costa Rica is over!

Que pereza! My time in Costa Rica is over!

Hola readers!

It’s been so busy here with my last week here in Costa Rica I have barely had time to fill you in on my whereabouts!
During our semester here, we unfortunately had to miss a family celebration, Thanksgiving. I thought it would be fun to celebrate this hear and I offered my friends a potluck type of dinner. Seeing as we can’t have that many friends over in our host family’s homes, we gave up for the time being. Later, I ended up working with our program directors to get a program dinner going. An email and sign-up sheet later, we were rolling. Our program rented a bus and a finca (a small house in a field up in the mountainous area) in Heredia. We all signed up to cook/bake/buy something. This was a blast! We felt like home, eating delicious food and well, overeating. 😀

The weekend was a long one after that. My friends and I set out on a journey to Santa Teresa, which was the most beautiful place I had visited in all of Costa Rica! If you ever find yourself in this wonderful country, this is the place you need to go! The journey was long, but oh so worth it!

After we got back, it was finals week. With 4 papers, 2 presentations and a test, I was not sure I was going to be sleeping at all! On top of this, the stress of packing and getting those last few souvenirs was really crazy. But, as the Costa Ricans say, tenga paz, which means keep calm. I had to take a great ton of deep breaths, but I made it. Last night my friends and I went out to a last dinner together this semester.

You know that torn feeling you get when you know you need to do something but don’t really want to? Yea, that is what I feel about going home tomorrow! I have said this so many times in my blogs, but it’s very true, I have fallen in love with Costa Rica! PURA VIDA has become part of me.

I just checked into my flight about 2 hours ago. My host mom has a friend coming to pick me up at 6am to drop me off at the airport and my friends back home are counting down the hours if not minutes! I already know that I will miss this new home I created. But in the words of Jimi Hendrix, “The story of life is quicker than the wink of an eye, the story of love is hello and goodbye…until we meet again.”

Do yourself a favor and STUDY ABROAD! You will not regret it!

The USAC Thanksgiving dinner (:



Santa Teresa beach

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