The GoGlobal Blog


Querida Costa Rica

Querida Costa Rica

Dear Costa Rica,

You are one of the most beautiful and welcoming countries out there! I have been here for about 4 months now and you are making it very hard to leave you behind. I realize that I only have 2 weeks left with you, my dear, and it makes it hard to think saying goodbye.

As I walk down your streets, to school, to the bank and so on, I can’t help but think of things I will miss about you. I will miss your beautiful nature. The wonderful sounds of birds and chickens in my neighborhood. I will miss your warm sun and amazing breeze at night. I will miss all the beaches and mountains, oh how I love the view of the mountains! I will miss your amazing coffee and the fact that I can get a very good cup for a $1.50. I will miss the fresh fruits and veggies. I will miss the amazing campus and the very cheap bus ($0.50) I take to classes. But most of all, I will miss all the wonderful people you have.

During my time here, I got to be a volunteer with an amazing English teacher and meet many adorable and intelligent kids. I spent my last day with them, this past Thursday and already miss them! As a goodbye, I received a book of pictures and a poster of their little signatures. 🙂 I hope you treat them well in their years to come! They all deserve the best.

Having been blessed with, hands down, THE BEST host family has also made me fall more in love with you. My host mom is a superhero. She works, goes to school and takes care of her family and house. My host sisters are both really smart and my little host brother is a cute little trouble maker. During my time here, they all cared for me like I was part of the family. Nothing more could have made me feel at home and feel sad about leaving. It’s sad to think that I have such a short time left with them!

You made me fall head over heels for you, and now I fear saying goodbye will be too hard. Thank you Costa Rica for everything I have learned and everything I got the chance to see and experience. Thank you for all the new Spanish I learned. I will miss you so, dearest Costa Rica! I promise to find time and money to return to you one day.

With all my love,





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